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  • NA Exstatisfy's Mod Application ❦ (Leoparrd - Updated)

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Exstatisfy, Dec 8, 2015.

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    1. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Hello, and welcome everyone to my Mod application. My name is Dan, otherwise known as Leoparrd (NEW IGN: Exstatisfy). I have not been on forums that long,(UPDATE: I have now been on the forums for over a month.) :) But I will be active on the forums. So, here is my application, hope you all take the time to read it! NOTE: I have updated a few sections, mostly the time I can spend on Mineverse and the Why I think I should become a moderator section. Please check it out if you would like :D

      How old are you?
      I am fourteen years old.

      Your in-game name.
      Otherwise known as Leoparrd

      What timezone are you in?
      EST - Eastern Standard Time.

      What Country do you live in?
      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak fluent English, and I am
      currently learning Spanish.

      Do you have the necessary means
      of capturing evidence?
      I am able to capture and upload screenshots, and
      I have BandiCam and am actively using it to report

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      The reason I believe I should become a mod is because I can provide a helpful service at times when other mods are offline. I'm not saying that the current mods are offline most of the time, but for example a few days ago I was in need of a mod, and not having a forums account at the time I had to search for one. I went through every single game and could not find a single one. I am online at very odd times when not many are, which I will get into in a few. But I am very good at ending arguments, which I see many among players in various games, as well as catching hackers and players who break rules. Overall I'm just hoping to provide the work of an overachieving moderator!
      UPDATE: Another thing, some games are in need of some dire help. For example, skywars. The amount of people using the shop in game is overwhelming. Also, the game has many spammers, arguments, unnecessary things like T or D that disrupt the chat, people who threaten to hack, and so on. I have reported many of these people, but sometimes I feel as if I cannot do enough because there are so many people. Another game with similar things is creative, and Archer PVP as well, but not so much. I would like to be able to help and stop these things along with the team.

      How long can you be on the server everyday? UPDATED
      Currently, I am about to transfer into virtual school. This meaning that I am actually on PC all day for at least 8-9 hours straight. While most of the time in the morning (9:30-3:42) and afternoon will be spent working on classes, in between classes I will be able to go onto the server. So this is very convenient for me.

      Since yesterday marked my first day of Virtual school, I thought I should update my schedule.
      It might seem odd how active I am, but its just one of the ups of being in this program.

      Monday - Wednesday :

      All throughout the day, but not simultaneously.
      8 hours and over, depending how long I stay on that night.

      Friday :

      On a lot in the morning, and depending on if I half plans almost all night.
      10 hours or more, or less depending on what I am doing.

      Saturday : I am usually busy during the day on Saturday, but not at night most of the time.

      8 hours and over.

      Sunday : Usually all day, it's a very lazy day for me.
      All day.

      Now just so everyone knows, it is COMPLETELY okay for me to go onto minecraft while doing classes.
      My program is something you do at your own pace by the end of the week, and I work at a rather fast pace. :)

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Roughly almost two years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      No, I have never been banned.

      Do you have any experience as a moderator?
      On Minecraft, sadly no. I've been high leaders in various
      community's though, but I am very willing and cooperative to learn.

      This is something I find very important, so please take your time to read this!
      I am a night owl. Meaning I stay up very late, when many others are not on. And you see,
      right now as I am typing this it is 2:47 am. I did /staff in-game, and not a single person is on. I feel as if I could fill in a really good place as not only an all-day mod (Since i'm on virtual school all day) I would be a night mod, able to handle issues with members in other time zones. So just for an estimate, I stay up until about 4 am every week day. I'm pretty sure no other mod does this, and honestly I don't blame them. But that's all for this section! Thank you :D

      Some of my traits

      I am overall a very mature person, but I definitely have patience for younger kids, which inhabit most of Mineverse. By mature, I mean I am not yelling out random things, goofing around, calling names, ect. I am still a very outspoken person and fun.

      Good with Arguments.
      I am very good at ending arguments, as I am studying to become a divorce lawyer in my future. This meaning I have taken debate classes, which require me to debate my side of an argument and provide evidence as to why I am correct in my side. This will come in handy for members who argue in chats, which can become quite irritating to other members to see players bickering in the chat.

      I am a very honest person. This being because when I was younger, around ten or eleven, I was a very big liar. As I matured, I saw that there was no point in lying, and I quit doing it and I am now very good at telling when people are lying. Honesty is key to success, and I do not see a point in lying as someone will find out in the future.

      Hard Worker.
      When I put my mind to something, I will do it to the best of my ability. I am the kind of person who not only does things to the fullest of their ability, but I will enjoy doing it as well. This meaning I will not be a super serious and annoying person twenty for seven, I will also be fun and nice to the players around me.

      Very Social.
      I am very active on Prison, Skywars, and Creative (Which I cannot get onto for some reason at the moment.) On these servers, I am constantly chatting with not only my close friends, but others and helping them play the game n such. Also, every single time I get onto Mineverse, I usually go onto every single game and at least chat and play one or two games.

      Fast Typer
      I am a rather fast typer, as I have been playing PC for easily over four years. Not only that, but I have been taking almost two years of Keyboard class in school where I am taught how to position my hands while typing, as well as typing without looking which I have mastered on mobile and PC. This will help to quickly handle situations, reply to messages, and answer questions.

      Outgoing and Kind.
      I am the person that takes in almost everyone into a friendship. I am very nice to new players to Mineverse, and people who come and say hello to me. I also am constantly talking to players in Skywars and Creative as well. I am not very talkative on games like Prison, Archer PVP, or KitPVP because I am often busy playing and enjoying the game. The only time I am not kind or not talking to a player is when they are being mean or rude to another player. If I see someone being rude I will often ignore the person, and tell the person they are talking to that they should probably do that too.

      Helpful and Trustworthy.
      Overall I'm a very helpful person. I am not the type to ignore someone, disrespect, or downgrade someone who is asking for help on any matter. Whether it's reporting a player, or even just to the smallest things like how to use commands on creative. I'm also trustworthy to the very end, since I am not a liar. I will always be willing to help someone out with something in game or even if its a personal issue. I feel helping people with even the smallest things make them feel welcome and wanted on a server.

      The end!
      I hoped everyone enjoyed my application, I was very nervous about posting this since I was just able to finally join the forums, but I'm hoping some people will welcome me with open arms! :) Thank you for reading, and have a great day. - Your Friendly Neighborhood Cat Leoparrd. :3

      Support - 49

      Neutral - 19
      No Support - 6

      ALSO - If you do give me a No Support, please include the reason along with it so I can improve myself upon it. :rolleyes: Thank you!
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
    2. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      • I have seen you couple times through out different game modes
      • You are helpful
      • Just become more active on forums and ingame (the pvp servers)
      Good luck! :>
    3. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      Hey Leoparrd! I'm Xavier, and I would have to give you Neutral. Your Application is on fleek, but I have never seen you in-game, and what gamemodes do you play?
      I will reconsider it if I see improvements. Good luck, as always! :happy:
    4. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      I play Skywars, Archer PVP, Creative, Parkour, and Prison mostly :> But I often go on every game every once n awhile. Im online now on Archer PVP :D
    5. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      Oh Ok. I usually am on Kit, Op, Skywars, Infection, and Prison.
    6. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Ohh, okay. I will start playing on those modes more :) Im playing infection now
    7. LoveNKnives

      LoveNKnives Active Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Neutral for now, I haven't seen you in game (or I can not recall if I did) so I really don't know you that well. Show some love to the pvp and faction servers and try to get active member on forums and I will see to supporting this application. I hope I can meet you in game soon. Good luck!!
    8. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Okay, I have been working on playing more on the PVP games and on forums but thank you for the reply! But if you ever want to play with me just hit me up, im on skyblock right now :happy:
    9. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Support <3
    10. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Very nice job on the application. From what I see from other reply's your very nice and helpful so support.

      Although I suggest becoming more active on forums.
    11. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Thank you so much for your support :cat:
    12. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Neutral, just try to become a bit more involved in the forums side of things (yes I know about the glitch)
    13. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      Neutral nice app just be more active on forums :P
    14. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      Will do, been on it twenty four seven since I've gotten it :haha:

      Thank you for the reply :) Will work on being more active on forums! :happy:
      Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    15. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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      I play on skywars,creative, and parkour sometimes and i've never seen you. Though application is amazing. Good luck. :)
      Oh and try becoming "Active member" on the forums :3
    16. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Please quote your posts in one! :)
    17. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Your application is very well done, you also seem very nice and helpful. I however can't recall seeing you in game. Also not too active on the forums yet. Would love to see you more on both! What game modes do you play?
    18. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I like your application & how you cope with others. Though I hope you do be a bit more active on forums.

      Good luck! ;)
    19. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Reasons stated above.
    20. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      I am going to be on forums a lot, and just to check your leaning towards neutral I assume? :happy:
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