How old are you? I am 15. Your in-game name: DankMaths. I regularly change my name. What timezone are you in? Australian Eastern Time Zone. What country do you live in? Australia. What language do you speak? I speak English. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yes. I use QuickTime Player to screen record and Grab to capture screenshots. These two programs are default on OS X operating systems and both work well enough to provide clear and valid evidence of infractions. Why do you think you should become a mod? To save reading time, I'll list my qualifications. • I have experience with moderator permissions on XenForo and know how to use those permissions correctly. • I can judge evidence without bias and point out infractions easily. • I was a trusted staff member that never abused permissions. • I am not as stupid as players think. • I am honest. • I am logical, strategic, and can see flaws in ideas and systems easily. • I am very familiar with the rules, and I am not afraid to use them in arguments. • I have a deep connection with the community of Mineverse. • I can argue when needed from any side, rarely losing. • I have a great sense of humour; however, I do not show it on Mineverse. • I do not have difficulty controlling emotions and temper. Yes, I do dislike players and they certainly do know that, but I do not go through the trouble of conflicting with them because of this. I want the promotion to clean up the forums by enforcing rules and completing player requests. Doing so, the forums of Mineverse will appear more appropriate. E.g. removing troll threads, closing bumped threads, editing profanity. How long can you be active on the server everyday? I have no intent on actively moderating the Mineverse servers if promoted. I no longer enjoy Minecraft so to me this question is all but useless. I am however active on the Mineverse forums. To substitute, I will ask how long can I be active daily on the forums. My answer is: I can be active for 3 to 6 hours daily, only logging into Minecraft to complete reports. How long have you been playing Mineverse? For 2 years I have been a member of the Mineverse forums. I first joined the Mineverse server in 2013 before joining the forums, also in 2013. I have now been a member of the forums for exactly 2 years (23rd Dec.). Have you ever been banned in the past? I have for hacking on KitPvP and necroposting on the forums. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I have been promoted to moderator twice on Mineverse in 2014, resigning both times. I resigned last in December 2014. • To the confused: As stated before I have no intention of being active in the Mineverse server. However, if the promotion to staff in both server and forums is mandatory then I will regularly handle in game reports. I will instead focus my time to the forums, where I can be of use. I will also meet in game if the request-to-be-handled situation is utmost important. • All feedback is openly accepted. If not supporting my application, please state why. Feel free to ask any questions or identify mistakes. Thank you for reading. -- Mineterria
Youre a huge person in the mineverse community, and the mod app is pretty good although I would add more info to it. Neutral. 1st ;]
No support. Your app isn't even 200 characters, and that's with the questions. It looks like it took you 10 mins to write. If you really cared and wanted your moderator position back, I'd assume you'd put some effort into it.
These are what I feel like you could improve on. I do not support you yet this could easily change! Good Luck! ;)
Color makes absolutely no difference in the quality of the application Just to clear things up, do you intend to be a Forum Moderator, or a regular Moderator?
Only to complete the reports that there aren't? Us moderators are on top of the reports. There have been hours without reports. Not sure how far you'll get, but I wish you best of luck.
I'm so glad you re-applied, you're honestly one of the nicest people I have met on Mineverse. My only criticism is that you shouldn't change your name as much when you're mod, so players know who you are. Support and I hope to see you with us soon! ;)
Because I don't feel this place is compatible. I stated in my application that I will focus my time moderating the forums. Forums moderator. Since the rank is not existent… I don't know that; regular players do not have access to handle, or even view, reports.