No Support. If I was a Moderator, I wouldn't want to have my name on the index, I would just want to get on with it. Also, players sometimes fake their behaviour when a Moderator is online, which can be good and bad sometimes.
There are 14,163 forum members. Over 1,000,000 players have joined Mineverse ( (14163 / ≈ 1000000) * 100 = ≈ 1.4163 So ≈ 1.4% of all Mineverse players have accounts on the forums. Also, most of those accounts are inactive! :eek: That is not including unregistered forums players, however. There is very little chance of a hacker knowing of newly promoted staff. Another point: even if hackers know of staff activeness, players can still record the hackers hacking! There is no problem at all. If anything Mineverse will benefit from this. E.g. I never noticed that @BlackZone514 was promoted when he posted on my profile.
It was my opinion. And I am saying, sometimes it is good to not know every moderator, until that player is engaged with the Moderator.