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  • Mod Application - Soneyburst

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Soneyuburst, Dec 4, 2015.



    1. Yes

      6 vote(s)
    2. No

      15 vote(s)
    3. Maybe

      3 vote(s)
    1. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      How old are you? 15

      Your in-game name: Soneyburst

      What timezone are you in? PST

      What country do you live in? USA

      What languages do you speak? English, Spanish

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes I have access to QuickTimerPlayer which in my opinion runs fast and clear on my computer and opens up quick with ease. I also can take screenshots when needed.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      1) Well, I have been apart of the Mineverse community for a little over 3 years now and I feel like I've seen and experienced a lot of things on the server such as hackers, glitches, mistakes, and just suggestions that would make the server so much more fun.
      2) I would also like to say I'm an old player and that I "lived through a couple lifetimes" meaning I've met a lot of people and have seen them quit the server or leave because of issues or just cause they moved on.
      3) I also record and screenshot tons of players who break the rules almost every day and mods know I report them all.
      4) I am willing to give up a lot of my time to help this server that I've been so committed to these past years.

      5) I would also like to say I am well known and easy to contact if a player would need to call me over to another server because of a hacker or etc reasons.
      6) I am fine, actually I'm more than happy to lose the privilege to play on certain servers for modding purposes and I know the responsibility it will take. (Even for my age)
      7) I am in peer counseling and ASB in the real world (lol) so I am very understanding and I know what right from wrong is even though I might make those same mistakes sometimes. I am fair and I'm not purposely rude to people for no reason. I'm just a good guy in real life. :)

      8) I understand all the rules and regulations for every player and for moderators.
      9)I am just here to help this server to the best of my capability.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I'm usually on from 4-10 during the weekdays and on weekends I can be on from as early as I wake up to when I go to bed.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I've been playing on Mineverse for 3 and a half years now. I've met a lot of people in the past and a lot of new people as well and I'd like to say that I have experience a lot of new things from mineverse! :D

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Yes, never from the forums, but I have been banned in game.
      Reason: Hack Threats ( Just was being immature about 3 years and I don't even know how to do any of that stuff. Wouldn't want to either)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Nope, not as a moderator, but I know I would be a good one though :) I've made my own servers before however, so I do have experience managing a server and over others.

      Other Information:

      Respect: Personally, I would like to say that I'm very respectful towards others and who they are as people. In game if I'm playing I might say a word like "noob" or "scrub" or something in that nature, but not in a disrespectful manner more like casual conversation and having fun with friends. I extremely think about how other people have lives outside of Mineverse/ Minecraft and that you might not know about and I respect those lives and time spent off the computer. I will never insult a person for their ethnicity, life styles, religion, or any other matter.

      Good Will: I am and will not be a person who will purposely trick someone into getting themselves in trouble or abuse power, I promise. There was someone who said once that I let the power go to my head? What power? I'm not even a mod yet XD but yea I'll honestly be here for you guys and you guys only helping the server and take care what needs to be done. If i do however break one of these promises, then I will willingly step down and resign.

      Fairness:WOAH! I would just like to say from the center of my heart that I am the most fair and trust worthy person on Mineverse! I promise!!! If I'm ever pvping on /op or /opfactions or other servers, and beat someone I usually give back the stuff if they ask for it, I get how I don't need to, but I feel like its only fair that they should keep training to get better. Another example: If people ask me to hold something or go to a vault or anything in that nature, just by you asking me for that favor, I put my entire trust in you and will not let you down. I would just like to see a mutual fairness and trust between all players to keep the Mineverse community happy and filled to the max!

      Maturity: Well, I'm still in HighSchool, but I am in ASB (Leadership) and PeerCounseling which shows I have at least some maturity inside of me. I may be immature with my friends outside the "Job" or outside of school, but in my opinion I find that O.K, but while I'm modding I will be like Judge Judy and I'll be completely focused and mature to the highest of my capabilities.

      Rank: I have a MVP Rank and a lot of people say that makes a difference! It doesn't I'm like everyone else on the server and Moderator is just the same. You should respect any other person as if they were a Moderator. Everyone on this server deserves the same about of respect and kindness from each other no matter what rank or what your titled.

      Drive: My goal for this server is to help the Mineverse server be free from hackers! *AMEN*, follow my instructions, maintain a good supervision over everything, suggest ideas that you guys can approve or deny ( they might not happen I'm not Cypriotic or NoobCrew) . Sooner or later I want this server to be huge with a great variety of servers with a great amount of different types of players all over the community. Mineverse will be full of a rainbow of players which is personally my goal for this server. I also would've liked to be a Builder for Mineverse, but right now my focus is all towards Moderator. I will hope to help on improvements on game modes for all of you lovely people. :)

      Rules: DO NOT BREAK THE RULES! Hacks, abuse, Flame, Cursing, Disrespect, etc, will not be tolerated and I will make sure to catch and respond to every broken rules and report on the forums.

      Forums: Well others may not see me on the forums that much, I actually am! I'm usually viewing peoples threads, checking peoples profiles out, reporting offenders, and just looking at who's on. I can and will be more active on the forums if I become moderator. Hopefully I can be on the forums from 6 AM - 12 PM. every day, so whenever you need me on the forums or in game just give me a holler and I'll be there in a jiffy :)!

      Honesty: I will never lie to anyone, especially another Moderator or Owner for that matter. As i said in previous phrases, I am completely trustworthy and will never go back on a promise. I will never let anyone down and if I do, I will come out and tell them. I understand people can be a little weary about trusting anyone over the internet which is a perfectly legitimate reason, but I can promise you, you can tell me things, report certain people for their rule breaking or what you think might be rules breaking, and I will never expose anyones name or contact information.

      Fun!: I AM SO FUN! I'm being honest here ^^, I think I'm a pretty funny guy if you ever meet me in real life I can probably make you laugh if you just look at my awkward face x). I won't be a debbie downer all the time so seriously serious if theres no reason to be. I will take the job serious, but I won't hesitate to make someone laugh or smile!

      Final Words: I know some people are saying that " Oh but Soney your a jerk in game!" Well to you guys I say... Sorry. I'm sorry if anything I did to you was bad or not, but it is just a game. Even if you might have a grudge on me for something I did or may not like me because I am better or worse than you at PVP, I'd ask of you to ignore all that and really just understand that I am and will take this Moderator Role seriously. I will be the Mod of the people! lol I'll try to be here for everyone! :D Thank you ! :)
      Last edited: Dec 7, 2015
    2. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support until you actually answer the questions you put down, and try to include more detail sorry If I am being strict including I am the first one to post on your app. :>
    3. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
      Likes Received:
      No Support.
      - Actually follow the template, please.
      - Make this application longer, add more detail.
      - No need for the quotation marks.
      - I don't see you on the forums a lot, at all. I don't see you in-game, however, our timezones are different, so ok.
      Good luck and have a nice day :D.
    4. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      LOL! Yea sorry i pressed tab and it accidentally posted it before it was complete.

      It looks different as how I typed it, Ill edit it to look nicer.
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2015
    5. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      So did mine I used microsoft word and the font wouldnt transfer I feel you xD
    6. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      thanks though!

      Thanks how about now?

      @12323emily @canucksfan44 am i suppose to put my timezone in the title or any game modes? Or is that idea scratched
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2015
    7. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support. Not only do you have little to no detail in your application. You asked me if I could reply to your mod app and you posted the link in your status.

      You're power-hungry. You're no where near coming close to getting moderator.
    8. xFaK10

      xFaK10 Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
    9. Tazzzle

      Tazzzle Experienced Member

      May 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      50% Support
    10. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
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      yea i msged you cause i thought we were friends and maybe you could put in some input lol thanks though! :D , but I am not power-hungry I'm fine if I am not chosen to be mod I just feel like I'm qualified. What detail did i not include?
      thanks for the input! :D
      those were the people that couldn't support or no support because they don't have access to accounts. ^^^
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2015
    11. TheElderlyReaper

      TheElderlyReaper Experienced Member

      Dec 24, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Soney, it's great that you are getting support from people, but the person who makes the choice that you become a mod is the Owner and CyperiotMerkz. I'm not saying getting support from people will not make your mod any different, I'm just pointing that out.

      First, look at accepted mod applications and you will really get an "idea" for mods and maybe use somethings you learned from those apps into your own. Don't copy them, but learn from older mod apps. If you look at older apps, it will benefit you in a good way. It will, help you add more detail to your mod which I will explain later, make your app look more professional, and have a higher chance of getting mod. You should add more detail, don't just stick with the template, go even more detailed into it by maybe adding more headings or questions that the template didn't ask you to put.
      Second, grammatical issues, not really grammatical issues, but just a few missing periods and such. I got to go and I won't be able to finish this, but the keen part of this is adding more detail, welp gtg. I'll edit or make another post later.
    12. KittyKoz

      KittyKoz Experienced Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Ya summed it up.
    13. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Did you tell them that you had a Mod App cause asking for people to look at this lowers your chances, also If you knew all the Mod Rules why did you triple post something that you didn't have to?
      No Support.
      I have not seen you in-game much, also more info and detail on your application is required by me.
      I wish you luck.
    14. Soneyuburst

      Soneyuburst Active Member

      Jun 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      This is just an application for a moderator I'm taking it seriously but I don't have to make it essay perfect sorry And I'm not copying any other moderator applications Lastly, I put what was important and what I thought Noob, Cyp, Mods, and other players should know I'm not writing an autobiography oh yea and getting "support" from other players is for my personal desires I would like to know if other players on mineverse think I stand up to the plate No thanks to your advice
      wait triple post? I didnt triple post anything and why does it lower chances I'm allowing people to see my information and my application my choice but thanks for the advice
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2015
    15. Electric_

      Electric_ Well-Known Member

      Nov 24, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral. Concerning your age, I would of expected a lot more better than this.
    16. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. You're rude af ingame.
    17. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support, sorry. Good luck!
    18. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    19. TheElderlyReaper

      TheElderlyReaper Experienced Member

      Dec 24, 2013
      Likes Received:
      I was just saying to get some ideas from other mod applications, just try not to have your mod app look exactly like others in a sense. I never said you had to make it a essay, I was just saying to put more detail. Don't get me wrong, getting support does effect one's application like I stated before, I was just pointing out that CyperiotMerkz makes the decisions around here lol.

      I do not support, I am sorry. When you replied to my last post, it looked like you were being harsh on me. I didn't mean to offend or insult you in anyway. I was just trying to help :/
    20. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Numerous reasons stated above
      No Support

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