I was fighting, when i got banned :/ Do i lose my stuff or nu? LOL it wasn't that great, but p4u3ds and 2 sets of p4 that i was trying to sell.... Would be much appreciated if it didn't go to the nooooob i was fighting... xD that is literally my only concern...
I don't believe so. I was watching a video of someone testing this, and they kept all of it. Moved it to 'Help' section, btw.
THANKS!!! I wouldn't even care if it was some1 good, I just don't want some1 to get like full p4u3 and a maxed out sword and bow just bc i got banned xD It was an incorrect ban (and i wouldnt say that if it wasnt true, bc il the mod who banned me xD she is in my top 5 even though she is new ), and i dont plan on making a habit of it
Yea, when you log back on, you should be in the same spot you were in when you were banned. If the problem is solved, would you like me to archive it?