1.) Single? Yeah 2.) Crushing? Nah 3.) Sexuality? Foodsexual 4.) Favorite color? Green 5.) Favorite music? Alternative 6.) Favorite band/artist? Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Regina Spektor, Twenty One Pilots, P!ATD, etc 7.) Talents? ahhah 8.) In love? Nope 9.) Hobbies? Listening to music and eating 10.) Gamer? Not really 11) Swag/emo/scene? All of the above obviously (none) 12.) Long/short hair? Long 13.) Height? 5'3 14.) Weight? N/A 15.) Eye color? Brown 16.) Hair color? Brown 17.) Shirt color? Navy blue 18.) Jeans or shorts? Leggings 19) Get married? Eventually 20.) Have kids: Eventually 21.) Get divorced?: I mean I hope not what 22.) Ever or still do wet the bed? All the time (no but I have) 23.) Had or have depression? Don't think so 24.) Self harmed? Kinda not really 25.) Thought of suicide? No 26.) Someone you love? Friends, family, Demi, Cara, Halsey- 27.) Someone you hate?: No one 28.) Dream job: Idk 29.) Got tattoos? Nope 30.) Got piercings? Used to 31.) Worst day of your life? Probably the day my grandma died 32.) Best day of your life: I've had a lot of good days so idk 33.) Biggest fear? Bugs and losing people 34.) Biggest insecurity? N/A 35.) Tag three amazing people: @WolfWhispers @Pink @jarroy @Alex (4 but oh well)