As lots of you know, people are constantly suggesting that Mineverse has a Hunger games or Survival games, when we already have one! The problem is that the minigames section of MV is just plain dead. So I think that even just temporarily, until minigames become popular, survival games should be added to the main games in Mineverse. If you disagree with this, then you must also think that infection should be added to minigames. If Survival games isn't added to Mineverse main, then why is infection? Thank you for your time. -crazyrobotgirl//Wolf64
Yes we need more maps on it too and if it was out to the main selection and Mineverse banners we could become more popular.
Infection is a main game mode?? Why not just add SG in as well. There's no need to remove one of them.
I think that infection is actually more of a minigame because of the rounds, but it is popular, which I think is the reason it's not in minigames. But yeah, I think keep infection and add SG.