I had a thought for creative, about going to others plot. When you don't feel like building, you just wanna play an RP or look at the amazing plots. I think there should be a new command called /random that will warp you to a random owned plot. Also, I think there should be a VEERRRY large plot that everyones automatically joined to, and can build together. You can report players of they grief, and if your saying no cause of the griefing, go to Survival Server. Thanks for reading! Hope you agree, and please COMMENT AND VOTE IN POLL.
No support, sorry. Majority of the time you would do /random you would most likely be sent to an empty or destroyed plot, meaning you have to spend ages looking for a half decent plot.
I was thinking it would go to a plot that has been added, so like everytime /plotme auto or /plotme claim is used, that plot would be added to the possible warps of /random. But thanks for feedback you're like the only one with reasons :p
I know what you mean but even still, there are heaps of plots that would be added to the /random and still be empty. Just like how you see abandoned minecraft accounts that no one goes on