Ok, I need know how many times I have voted this month as I have forgotten :/ Is there a way to find out how many votes I have done? Thank you in advance
You could try votemv.com if you think you've voted enough to be on the top 20 pages. It's not reliable though.
What I don't get is that I am pretty sure I have voted every single day since the 1st of November but it says I only vote 14 times :/. I live in the UK... Can anyone shed light on this?
On vote.mv I voted 20 times but I voted every single day, so I think that clarifies that vote.mv is messed up
Or maybe, your vote never registered... I think it doesn't register because your vote when you aren't logged into the game.
My friend once said while they were playing they saw my vote and looked everywhere to find me but I was offline
Happened to me as well Votes register on the voting server so doesn't matter if you are loged-on or not