If you don't already know what happened, Paris, France was invaded by ISIS on Friday at a soccer game France vs Germany. I heard a bar was also invaded, including a concert with people trying to get out and others being held hostage. My condolences to families of victims and to Paris and that ISIS will realize they are just noobs killing people with guns. But every attack they have at least 8 suicide bombers, so each attack is -8 ISIS members. -Billy
126 people have died, so let us have a moment to think about them and their families and friends, who are suffering greatly from this
From what I'm told, it's because the France government interfered with ISIS activities, thus this tragic incident. Note: I may be wrong.
Sweet. Lets all cry over France and the people who died. I have respect for all of them however it's not like people in other countires are brutually murdered, raped, including children. But nooooo...lets all pretend that never happens and cry about a few (compared to the other countries) people who died and go over the top with it. *sigh* Also, like Ares said, those countries he stated have tragedy pretty much everyday, yet 130 people who die in an attack on France, which attacks ARE rare, the world goes crazy. We are soooooooooo equal. So much about being fair.
is this becuz of racism??? lets find out france is a mainly white country but the other countries (syria etc) are muslim :O BUT WAIT DID YOU SEE THAT look closely xx_∆ISIS∆_xx has logged in
Oh wow. I have total respect for Paris, I do feel bad. Though things happened in Japan, Mexico, and other places also. Why dont we pray for the world instead of Paris? I mean, I know Paris did have the worst of luck out of all of them but some homes have been ruined in Japan, Mexico had a huge suicide ( sorry if I got information wrong wooppsssiess) I just think we should pray for the world instead. and btw, its not even close to racism. ._.
The United States needs to refrain from its activities in the Middle East. We armed and trained Al Queda against Russian officials way back when.. They then grew into a terrorist group. We armed and trained ISIS against Al Queda. Now they're a terrorist group. See a pattern?
@bananaman11223 @AgentWifi @MaxNinja10 @Krissy_ @canucksfan44 Politics and religion do not have any place here on forums. Would you mind closing this due to the fact that a flame war about religion is going to happen?