So, as you all know, creative looks a lot like this. Yeah, the role-plays completely mask all the rest of the chat room. The RolePlay Plugin allows for private role-plays and you can customize YOUR OWN role-play. The Role-play chat is invisible to the open chat, which makes me and I'm sure a lot of other people happier. @TannerLittle (BBy pls <3)
The reason I actually left creative. Creative was made so people can build, but people started making rps, and it became so annoying. I started going to rps as well, and owned one myself, but it was confusing when there was 2 or more rps on the same time so you had no idea which role was on which role play. I decided to stop and just build stuff on my plot, like skin statues, houses, etc. But there was so many rps, and they flooded the chat and it went to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. If this plugin was added, I would come back once again. @Aka_Illuminati What do you think? Support for sure
Support, early 2014 I loved to do roleplays with other players but it'd always be annoying to try find who was talking as chat would be spammed at all times. I used to have a thing called Roleplay Sunday, @FaZe Dox knows all about it. :^)
Support. when i'm doing role plays people can never find the others messages so then people just spam them and that gets annoying really fast
Support. When I'm making a recording of one of my infection maps, the people who watch the video see this random(sometimes inappropriate) stuff on chat, and I always open chat when I'm fiddling around with my recording system (like turning it on) :p
well most "rp" are sexual... i wouldn't really encourage it.. since as everytime i go on creative.. it's like "TPA TO JOIN HIGHSCHOOL SEX RP"... i wouldnt encourage it... what we need is a plot global and local chat..