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  • [USA] Prefixed's Global Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by pre, Nov 18, 2015.

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    1. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Introduction / About Me
      Hi there! As you likely already know, my name is Prefixed. This is my application to become a Global Moderator. I'd like to thank you in advance if you fully read my application, as I had put a lot of hard work, time, and dedication into this application to make it be the best that it possible could.

      Before you start reading my answers to the specified questions, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 14 year old high school freshman who takes in gaming as a major hobby. I have a huge passion for Minecraft, though the passion is more directed towards playing rather playing than creating.

      I enjoy playing Mineverse, which is one of my favorite things to do. I can commonly be found playing Skygrid, OP Prison, Survival, or KitPVP. I also occasionally play minigames, which of all, Bed Wars would have to be my favorite. There is also a chance that you could find me playing something other than the ones specified above, as I may get bored and decide to venture off somewhere else for a little while.

      Enough about me - onto the questions we go!

      Application Questionnaire
      How old are you—
      I am currently 14 years of age.

      Your in-game name—
      My in-game name is Prefixed.

      What is your timezone—
      My time zone is the Eastern Time Zone (EST) (UTC -5:00).

      What country do you live in—
      I currently reside in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak—
      At the time, my only fluent language is English. I know a few words in Spanish, but nothing that will really help as far as communicating with other speakers may go.
      In my next year of high school, I will be learning either Spanish or French and I hope that will be an advantage for me in helping users of another language.

      Why should you become a moderator—
      I believe that I am worthy of a moderator position because I possess certain traits and may not only benefit myself, but also benefit the server as they will help me to do the best job I possibly can. The traits I speak of are, but not limited to:


      Whoever the person might be, I am respectful to all people. I strongly believe that you have to give respect in order to gain respect. People deserve

      Kindness & Friendliness
      Others consider myself to be a very kind and friendly person and I find that to be good. I enjoy being able to make friends and I jump at every opportunity I get to do such.

      I am a very honest person. No matter the trouble it may cause me, I will tell the truth and I will not spend my time trying to cover for myself. Should I do anything wrong, I will instantly come to you and inform you of my incident.

      Maturity & Responsibility

      At times, I may throw a few jokes to make people laugh or smile; but besides this, I act maturely. I am very mature about my work and will make sure that anything needed to be done, gets done.

      Helpfulness & Knowledge
      I could be very helpful to anyone, due to the fact that I am very knowledgeable about Mineverse, all included game modes and such. Any question a player may have, there is nearly a 100% chance I know the answer; and if I don't, I will find out such.


      I will make sure that everybody is treated fairly. Depending on the situation, I will make sure that anyone to break a rule receives a second chance. In cases it may be necessary, I will make sure the punishment a player may receive is not extreme when it shouldn't be, but instead appropriate.

      Quick Learner & Good Memory
      Any thing I am taught, you can expect me to have it down in a fast amount of time. I also have an exceptionally good memory. Chances are, I'll be able to recall any event with ease.


      I'm patient. I can wait long periods of time for something to occur without becoming short-tempered or anxious. People can take all the time they need to discuss something with me.

      Fun but strict
      I can be a fun and a strict person at the same time. I'll play with people, make jokes, etc.; but I'll also make sure that everyone is following the rules like they should be.

      If you log onto Mineverse during the day, chances are, I'll be there. I spend a lot of time on Mineverse and I feel that this would be something beneficial to the server, should there be a lack of moderators.

      Good Spotter
      I can point things out pretty easily. If somebody is doing something they shouldn't be doing, it's very likely that I'll catch them and appropriate action will be taken.

      I'd say this would partially fall under fairness, but I'm unbiased. I won't treat people to special privileges, ignore rules broken and such by friends just for their well-being.

      How active can you be daily—

      I can be active from:
      3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Monday
      3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Tuesday
      3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Wednesday
      3:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Thursday
      3:00 PM to 11:00 PM on Friday
      12:00 PM to 11:00 PM on Saturday
      12:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Sunday

      Please note that these times may fluctuate. A few time gaps are likely to occur each day. Real-life events may occur, where I am unable to access Mineverse. Should I vacation, I will be sure to notify the necessary person(s).

      How long have you been playing Mineverse—
      I have been playing Mineverse for a little over 6 months, originating on a different account under the name 'FullXGamer'. This account was an alt, and so it was insecure and resulted in the loss of not only my rank, but my progress. Not long after this mini-event, I got my own Minecraft account, now secure and 100% owned by me, and started building myself up again.
      My forum account is far under the duration of my time playing Mineverse. When I had originally attempted to register an account, I ran into minor problems that prevented me and many others from doing so.

      Have you been banned before—
      No - I have never been banned, muted, warned or had any other moderation action taken against myself on the server, nor the forums.
      I don't plan on ever causing moderation action to be taken against me and hope to keep my history a clean, blank slate.

      Do you have past moderation experience—
      I have past moderation experiences on a few small server startups of my friends; however, none of them really got far and most ended up closing within a month of its opening. Potentially, I hope that being a part of Mineverse will help me gain more experience as far as moderating larger servers go.

      The End
      Welp, you've reached the end of my application. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application - I truly appreciate it. I hope that it was good enough for your consideration.
      If you support my application and wish to see me as a moderator, please note so by leaving a post below. If you don't support me, don't be afraid to post so. I don't bite.
      If there was anything you think I should change in my application, please let me know and if I agree, I will surely apply the changes. I wish to make my application look the best it can be.
      Thanks again and have a good rest of your day. Bye! :)

      Support Counter
      Support: 7 :D
      Neutral: 7 O_o
      No Support: 1 :(

      (To the people who say they haven't seen me or I'm not very active:
      Unless you play any of the game modes I mentioned I commonly play at the beginning of my application, your chances of seeing me are smaller than most. I'm pretty active in-game.
      I'm really active on the forums but I only post on relevant topics, which may lead to you not seeing me.
      Time zones may play a role in this as well.)

      Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    2. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      No Support.
    3. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks for your opinion. I appreciate it. Please tell me: what do you think I should update to improve my application? What should I do better?
    4. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
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    5. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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    6. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      I appreciate your support. Is there anything I should do to improve, however?

      Thanks for your opinion. How may I make my application better?
    7. TADS

      TADS Guest

    8. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks Tads :)
    9. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      No Support:
      Never seen you in game.
      Don't see you at all on the forums.
      I suggest maybe adding some colour, or spacing to the Application, make it nicer to look at.

      - Become more active for my support :P.
      Good Luck.
    10. Miyukii

      Miyukii Well-Known Member

      Oct 5, 2015
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      Support. Although I haven't met you in game, and your experience with moderating is limited, I believe you should be given a chance. However, I think you should become more active on the forums.
    11. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      If you don't play Skygrid or OP Prison often or at the same time as I do, you probably won't see me. What is your time zone mate?
      Also, I took a little break from the forums and started playing in-game only for a little while, so perhaps that is the reason for you not seeing me. I have recently become active again, though.
      As far as coloring and spacing goes, I do agree with you and will apply the changes to my application. Thanks for your input.

      I do have knowledge to use most of the basic moderation commands, such as /ban, /kick, or anything else commonly used; it's just I haven't had the chance to put them to use often.
      Thank you very much for your support by the way. I will be sure to increase my forum activity.
    12. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      I have done as you recommended and added some color to my application, though I feel it may have created a partially-unpleasant read. What is your opinion? Do you think it is good or should it be updated?
      I want to keep the color scheme aqua-ish to match the colors in the top image.
    13. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Colour looks great :p
      Just try and be active on the forums as much as you can, Changing to support.
    14. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thank you so much. I appreciate your support and your suggestions.
    15. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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    16. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      Good job on saying: I only speak English in four rows... same on I have not been banned.
    17. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks mate.

      Sorry if this was inconveniencing to you. I was just trying to be informative.
      The answer to the question isn't necessarily repeated - just additional, maybe unnecessary information was included.
    18. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      It's ok. You took your time to write your app. This speaks good things. I'll come back later when I see your behaviour in-game.
    19. pre

      pre Well-Known Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Thanks mate.
    20. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Neutral ~ Never seen you in game b4
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