Hello Archer PvP users I have tagged you all in this conversation to discuss the Kit Titan as you know this kit is Protection one which will not help the user in anyway what you need in archer PvP is Projectile Protection. So I have thought as a suggestion, maybe you could make Kit Titan somewhat more approachable and maintainable. P1 doesn't protect you as well see with a power 5 bow pulled back all the way it kills someone wearing protection one in 6 shots but if you are wearing Projectile protection it kills you in about 15 pulled back shots yes I tested this. People on archer PvP who have protection instead of projectile die much quicker because you need PP to live it is archery So if you people I tagged could tag one or two more archer PvP users to spread the word it would be great Thank you :p Rodeen :p @ParanormalPizza @HopeStealer @Moooose @3nvyusnightshade @Elliot @KnifeMORTAL @AthleticPsycho @T3N3BRIS
It doesnt protect you as well see with a power 5 bow pulled back all the way it kills someone wearing protection one in 6 shots but if you are wearing Projectile protection it kills you in about 15 pulled back shots yes I tested this
This post isn't saying Protection 1 DOESN'T protect you from projectiles, but for Titans it should be Projectile Protection 1 considering the only weapon used on ArcherPvP is a bow.
Protection is basically all around protection from all items, however it's not as good as some special protection enchantments. Projectile protection is for taking less damage from ghast fireballs, arrows, etc. However, there is a difference between the damage between wearing normal armor and being shot and being shot with protection 1 armor. https://gyazo.com/1d242a50bd4524a76e2941340d88734c