Dear community, I'm apologizing for everything I have done, especially Cypriot. I am applying because I believe you can achieve anything you put your mind to. While I understand I may not be the 'cleanest' with my ban history, I hope you can see that I'm trying to change. If you are going to comment on my application, please do not do any of the following: • Say be more active • Going with everyone else and saying no support • Criticize my bad history • Quoting someone else and not saying anything • Saying 'reasons stated above'None of those are going to help me; I'm really trying to change. I'm open to feed back, and it'd be nice if you could reply with things that can help me. Thank you, TADS4 How old are you? I am fifteen years old, turning sixteen next February 19th. Your in-game name: My in game name is TADS4, again. What timezone are you in? I live in Eastern Standard Time (EST) What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America. What languages do you speak? I speak English fluently, and choppy Spanish. I am currently taking Spanish three honors in high school. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes, I have Quicktime (recording) and Gyazo for screenshots. Why do you think you should become a mod? Some of my traits are: •Active• The majority of my friends would agree that I am active; I strive my best to be active. Being active allows me to help keep the server clean and kid friendly. As of now, some of the mods are not as active as they said they would be. I, for one, will be as active as I say. •Trustworthy• As a mod you would have to be trustworthy. When my friends have something to tell me, or talk about their feelings they trust me. They trust the fact that I won’t tell anyone, which I never have. As a moderator, I would keep everything secretive. I would not leak anything, as it would cause me to be demoted. •Kind/caring• Being kind is an important part of being a moderator. I am a friendly and kind person in general. Even though it may seem like I don't care, I do. •Helpful• I am always willing to help someone; No matter what the problem is. If it involves another person that they need to talk to, I will help them. I am always helping people out on every game mode; even if I do not know much about that game mode. •Listening/non-biased• If there is an argument I don't just jump to conclusions, I listen to each person’s side and then would decide. This one is pretty self-explanatory. I am not a biased person. If my friend had a valid report against them, I would ban them. It is my job to (temp) ban/mute/kick when needed; a friendship would not get in the way of me moderating. •Dedicated• As you can see by my numerous threads about infection (non existent now), I really care about it. I have put effort into helping it. I am part of an infection chat, on the forums, which has gone over many infection problems, and general server problems. Being a moderator will widen my range to help people. (no longer existent) (no longer existent) I have also put in effort for other game modes, for some of them needing resets, some needing updates, etc.. •Knowledge• I know the simple commands as in /ban [player] [reason] appeal ~TADS /unban [player] /tempban [player] [time] /kick [player] [reason] /mute [player] /social spy I also know a variety of hacks, from kill aura to ladder speed, to "Speed". I know most of these hacks from using hacks in before. I have since stopped hacking and learned how to play fairly. Using this knowledge I can spot hackers 'easier', and use this to find if a report was valid or not. •Fast Learning/mature• If there is something important going on I’m able to learn it quickly. I have been able to learn social studies and math topics quickly, which ends up being helpful. Learning new things allows you to be smarter and help others more. As some of you can tell I've matured; even if it hasn't been much. I'll admit, I have been rude to some people, even those of high ranking. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Week Monday- Forums throughout the day; in game 4:00PM-9:00PM Tuesday- Forums throughout the day; in game 4:00PM-7:00PM Wednesday- Forums throughout the day; in game 4:00PM-9:00PM Thursday- Forums throughout the day; in game 4:00PM-10:00PM Friday- Forums throughout the day; in game 4:00PM- 11:00PM Weekend Saturday- Forums throughout the day; in game 10:00AM-11:00PM Sunday- Forums throughout the day; in game 3:00PM-10:00PM How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing Mineverse for just under a year. I started playing in November of last year; I later joined the forums, as seen December 8th, 2014. Have you ever been banned in the past? [Forums & In-game] Yes I have. This part will be in spoilers due to length. Spoiler: Forum Bans and Mutes Bans The first ban I had on the forums was placed by Topmass22 for grave digging a suggestion. The second ban I had was by Cypriot for staff disrespect. The third ban I had was by Pile for flaming. The final ban I had on the forums was by Cypriot for a post on a thread. Mutes I was muted by Gizzbots for a status. I was also muted by Scorvix for off topic posting. Spoiler: In-game Bans The first in game ban I had was by 3yerrt for mute evading; yet neither of us remember why I was muted. The second ban I've had was by Topmass22 for prestige perk abuse. The third ban I had was by Cypriot for staff disrespect (occurred on the forums). The fourth and fifth bans were both for player disrespect by MaxNinja10. ~one of them was a 30 day ban on Infection ~the other was lobby; originally 30 days but shortened to 3 days Yes, I do regret all of my wrongdoings. I hope you are able to see how I've changed and how I am trying to change. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I used to be a moderator on a server with about 15-20 people maximum, but I decided to resign because I did not have the time for it. I have been a moderator on two other servers, with peaks of 20 players. These two servers were both survival, and in the process of adding another game mode, GTA. Sadly, these two servers have been shut down, due to lack of interest by the owners. I have also been the co-owner on a friend’s server, which was played by friends from school and real life. Sadly, my friend has quit Minecraft, and let his server go to waste. This server peaked at about 30 people. Restating all my thoughts ~ I am sorry for my bans and everything I have done that could have annoyed you. I hope you are able to look over my past. I understand how the majority of you will probably not support me, and I am fine with that. I would just prefer it if you could give me constructive criticism.
You have been rude immature in the past, and for me it doesn't seem like you've given yourself enough time to fix that. However, I do understand that you are trying to change, which is why I will remain neutral on you and your application. My mind may change in the future, though. Good luck.
I'm going to have to go with a no support, I really can't see you as a moderator. You're someone who likes to speak the truth, I like that but it's not something Mineverse needs. You know how much Cypriot dislikes the truth, lol. No hard feelings but you should probably edit this out, someones going to come and say that you're going to get bored of mineverse if you get promoted. glhf
Only fry and I have /ban everywhere. Globals just have it in the lobby. Ban messages now are suggested to be <Hacking. Appeal if invalid @>. I don't provide support or no so supports to give preconceptions but that's something you may want to fix. Maybe just say lobby? Not that big of a deal. Overall, solid application.
Neutral. Your history is pretty bad but I really do think you would be a good mod. I will come back later for my final decision.
You could just stay mature for now and I will maybe change it later to support if I see that you really changed. (I did not really know you before in the past,but I can see all those bans and mutes that you had in the past so I know that you were not mature before)
Neutral. You know TADS; What makes us all human is the fact that we all make mistakes. You've have clearly made some, of course. I've made some myself as well, we all have. But what shows that you have true maturity and intelligence is by learning from these mistakes, and by not repreating them. :P However, I do believe you can become staff if you keep improving yourself. - S
Deleted the off topic posts. Please just "Support" or "No support" and give your reasons why. Thanks guys. Beautiful app Tads. <3're really trying, aren't ya? I mean, I've seen you being quite rude from time to time but...we all are. I think you'd be decent. I don't oftenly see you as I'm always on Survival however when I do you're pretty mature. I'll support this for now. Good lux!
TADS4 is very helpful, kind and active. he deserves moderator. - when i was playing skyblock for the first time i didn't know how to make a cobblestone generator, i asked the chat for help but, nobody responded... until TADS4 joined the server and showed me. ;) - when forums were glitched i couldn't register an account. i tried to contact [email protected] but, nobody answered. then TADS4 messaged me in-game: <yo what's your forum name?> i answered: <i have problems with the register thing. i don't have one> he then said <ah no problem i'll create 1 for you>.