and what reason may that be? You have never explained.. also the fact that you post your thoughts when you don't even play OpPvP. *Cringes*
I'm sorry? Who said I don't play OpPvp? The reason it is there is to give people who don't have crap to have a chance.
Hmm... I'm currently neutral, but I believe Cyp/Noobcrew probably have more important things to do than removing KB sticks from OPPvP...
What do you mean? If they remove the kb sticks people could actually learn to defend themselves and would probably get better in pvp
If someone has leather and a stone sword, and the other person has full prot 4 diamond, then it wouldn't work that way.
If you actually played OpPvp, you would know that players don't use on kb sticks to defend, they use it for their personal use. for example by hitting random players while there in battle.
And if they loose there kit op? Sure, that is there fault, but your point is that players will get better by actually pvping, but if a player looses there kit? Then they need something that will give them a chance.
Yes, I did know that there is a cool down on the kits. I have given my opinion. You guys have given yours. I'm done arguing on this thread. Have a nice day.
In my opinion if you guys wanna remove knock-back sticks go play kitpvp. Taking away the knock-back sticks ruins the whole point of OP-PVP! (Again just my opinion) <3
Knockback sticks don't make the game Over-Powered, it makes it lame. All people do is knock players 10 + blocks away for their own fun.