Welcome!Today I have been thinking about this idea for almost 2 weeks or so. I thought that we could make the lobby more I would like to say "challenging". What I'm trying to say is, the invisible blocks that lead the dragon should be removed. I'm not saying that so players won't ever get to the dragon, we can just add parkour. I'm saying that we could have a parkour in the lobby leading up to the dragon. I would feel that it would make the lobby more exciting. I know how I suggested that we should decorate the lobby due to the Holiday, but we can make it more exciting! There would be a sign you would have to click for checkpoint which if you fall, you could use the command /c if there were more than one checkpoint. Example /c1, or /c3 Like that. Tell me what you would think about this. I personally think it would give the power to let players not be lazy, and just be just go up on the dragon with the invisible blocks. Thanks!
Support for the parkour. No support for /c1 or whatever. A lot of servers add parkour to the main lobby so that while they're waiting on a friend or something, they can try and complete the parkour.
Keep the bridge, add a bit of parkour. There is actually a hidden-ish parkour leading to the dragons head, you can also get inside the mouth of the dragon.
As @ParanormalPizza said, there is Parkour leading to the dragons mouth, and there is in fact a little surprise deep inside the dragon. No Support. I feel the dragon parkour is sufficient, and the path / route up the dragon is challenging and time consuming in itself. There is also Hub Gadgets, and I think /parkour is good enough.
This would be a great addition to the lobby. And as I tend to stay in the lobby when bored, this would be something fun to do. Support.
The thing is all you used to have to do was /warp enderdragon lol, If they removed it readd the wither and make a parkour and at end you get rubies and a cool hangout