Stop wtf.. I reported this post... Its so useless, nobody will give you a CS acc because you re banned for 4 days
This is actually an illegal post... You can only bump once a day and from what I can read you've bumped it 3 times in 1 day. In my opinion this thread shouldn't be posted it. Its the equivalent of you "joking around" on mineverse and getting a temp ban and asking for someone to buy or lend you an account to ban evade for a little bit on. You broke the rules, you got banned. Deal with the punishment. Simple as that. Bye
Bye, Report the post then, jezus. I ignore posts like you, if you don't like it, report the post as I said so it gets closed. Simple as <edit>.
I can but it's stupid that I keep getting 7 days ban while it's mainly the fault of my laptop which keeps crashing and I can't stop playing till I bought a new laptop ;I While I like want to play with my friends this week.
I know but I'm done with kids who post useless stuff on a post like this. If they think smart they just report it instead of answering with such annoying stuff.