Hey everyone! So, I used to play on a capture the flag server ALL THE TIME, and I very much enjoyed it. I thought that this might be a good game for mineverse! You pick a kit that has their own special perks, and capture or defend the flag! For those who are unsure of what capture the flag is (Minecraft version): Well, as you can probably tell by the name, the goal is to capture the flag. There are two sides in the map: Red side, and Blue side. On the blue side, there is a blue flag hidden or guarded somewhere. On the red side there is another flag. Both teams need to defend or attack. Red and blue need to defend their own flag from oncoming attackers (other players that are on the opposite team) while also having some players from their own team attack the opposing teams flag. The first to 3 flag captures wins. Example: If there were 10 players on blue, there would be at least 4 people guarding their flag, so the other team doesn't snatch it. The remaining 6 players on blue would be trying to steal the red teams flag and bring it back to base. Sorry if this isn't very well explained, but I hope you guys like the idea.
but I made it before you lol support, though. I'll send you a more detailed one. Unless you want me to have mine.
can you bump me Im supporting you http://www.mineverse.com/threads/capture-the-flag.69280/#post-720814