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  • Rizzek | <Global> Application| Fully Edited.

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Frankenstiene, Nov 9, 2015.

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    1. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      I'm am currently 11 years of age.

      My In Game Name

      My In game username is Rizekk but my Real life name is Ardonit

      Time Zone

      Eastern Timezone (ET)

      My Country

      i live in the United States Of America, the land of the free


      i speak albanian its a culture from europe and I speak american

      Why I think I should be Mod

      I am really active so I can spot things like hackers and scammers and ect. i am really kind to people becuase I know how it feels to get called names and get left out cause I got bullied in fourth grade. I am caring so if anyone ask for money on kitpvp I will give them some money or gear. i also wanna make sure everyone on is being nice and following the rules. I know some commands such as /kick (player) (amount of time) and /ban (player) and /mute (player) (amount of time). I enjoy peoples' happiness it's the best thing ever. I will always play on mineverse and I will never hack nor have I ever. Having power and commands others may not have is not why I am applying. I am applying to make sure everyone is happy and is enjoying their stay on the server and to be sure people are fair and don't do unnecessary things.

      I also will record hackers on servers all around mineverse. I do not wanna day my youtube channel name because it will seem as advertising. As a donor I do not try to act as if im the best or even good. Before I joined this server I was the same as I am today. I have many friends and I try not to make enemies. I am truthful I can't keep a lie from anyone unless it's a must. Before I continue I want to apologize to anyone I have been rude to and my stupidity on my old forums account. I do not brag nor show off to anyone about anything.I can be strict but I also wanna have fun with the members and to be treated as a mod but also as a normal member would treat a normal member. I do play around alot with people and mods such as MaxNinja. I have this new forum account but I have been on the forums for about 4 months on my other forum account but sadly could'nt edit my application. I enjoy mineverse and just like you other mods I worked my behind off to work on this application so I wanna say congradulations to the accepted mods.
      I work really hard towards the thing I want to achieve so I ofcourse will not give up until this application in in everyones liking. I enjoy helping people it's fun and pleasurable to me. Players deserve to be treated like a mod does so I will treat everyone the same. I would
      also like to become a Moderator of this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a Moderator and get rid of spammers, hackers and people who just make the server an un-pleasent place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on minecraft a lot because I am a no-life I am on this server a lot too. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever (which it already is). I believe I have enough confidence to achieve things and confidence is a good feature to a mod. I do not give up on anything so this app will not be done, ever! Until you all love it :).

      I know many hacks that I have seen through out my years of minecraft. Speed hacks are running faster then the normal minecraft character. Imidiate Ban. I also know kill aura which involves head spins will hitting many players at once and without the players knowing the kill aura will attack the nearest player. Imidiate Ban. Fly Hacks are pretty obvious the player is off the floor or ground/water and is flying. There are many more hacks which probably can't be stated on here but I am good at spotting them so hacks... IMIDIATE BAN :).

      I have skype. It's GeekyExotic
      My Youtube channel is where I post my hackers and scammer reports.

      If players are being negative to each other I would first ask what's going on. After I know what's going on I will then think of the things that are happening and know what I will do to the players. If their just not friends and just don't like each other I will probably mute them. If a mod and I were to argue I will remind myself and him/her that we need to be responsible and assort it in a respectful non-rude way.

      More About Me

      I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I know many rules and many commands. The reason why I want to be Moderator on this server is because I love it so much. ( I am loyal it is just this has been my all-time favorite server) I also know a lot about plugins, commands, worldedit Exc.


      I can be on for nearly 3 hours a day maybe longer maybe less. I can also be active on the forums but not that much cause I would much rather be active on the server.

      How Long I been Playing on mineverse

      i have been playing mineverse for 7 months it may seem little but I have learned and done much.

      Have I been banned in the past

      I have never been banned but have been muted on my other account on the forums.(Forums & In-game]

      Expierience As Moderator

      i have expierience as mod on a server named FuzzyPrison which is shut down now to do lack of donations. and a server named koala prison. There are server info and things about these servers on youtube so if you want you may check them out.

      My Knowlage of Minverse
      I know only one mod on kitpvp (Maxninja)cause the others are not so active. I know the rules on kitpvp but there are other minigames that if you think I will do good on feel free to alert me. The rules are not to curse, no scamming, no hacking, and ect. I also know that there are many games so I do not mind which I have to manage but I just love to help.

      I am very patient with many things. Such as being asked questions by members and them needing help.

      I respect other staff members most definitely but as should I also respect the players of the server or players of kitpvp . Respect is the main key to earn respect not to ask for it. If I were to get staff I will try to earn respect from the players cause being a new mod is'nt always easy but it is worth helping players out.

      If I were to get accepted as moderator I would throw aplarty on the whole sever and in real life with my brother.
      If I were to get denied as moderator I will continue to be nice and respect all the players and staff members.

      Maturity & Age
      I know by the look of my age I seem young and maybe you guys think im immature. I am really mature and I have been telling members to respect each other when they disrespect eachother.

      I am really kind and love to make people laugh. I worry alot in real life but that's just who I am. I love seeing people smile it's a joy to my soul. I don't enjoy bullying or cyber bullying so cross that off my "things I like" list I would immediately, kick, mute, or ban the player starting the immature and rude action.

      About Me
      I am the youngest of a family of 3. My brother joins the server some times
      and we play kitpvp all the time. I share loot and gear with people cause I feel bad for everyone. I have never tp trapped I play the game fairly and legit.

      Your Thoughts
      If any of you have a response or anything to talk to me about please tell me on the comments of this application. I will not ask if you do not state why you say no support but I will kindly say "thanks you for the feedback" because it may be a personal reason.

      What I wanna manage
      I would like to manage faction or kitpvp because I feel there are many hackers on their and I am confident I can help those servers out.

      ~Rizzek P.S if you think I should work on another mini game or server on mineverse please do and inform me. I only have one application which I edited I did not create over 1 on this forum account so please recheck.
      Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
    2. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      You probably should have just edited your old mod app and left it, but this is pretty good. Neutral only because I have never met you in game.
    3. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      thanks bro we should play some time, you play pvp? I am on at random times so..
    4. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Yeah I will look for you on kitpvp tomorrow....what is your username?
    5. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      My username is Rizzek
    6. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      Once again thanks normally people say no support so thanks!
    7. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      No support. You're not active on forums or in game, and add some more detail into your application. Also, you're new to forums. Get to know the forums community more.
    8. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      Sir, I have been on forums for 5 months but I got a new account cause my other one was'nt doig well..
    9. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      What do you mean "not doing well"
    10. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      It was'nt working and I could only log in I couldnt do much else so please re read I just added some thanks take some time please cause I know deep down your fabulous <3 all answers are respected.
    11. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I suggest you try to get that fixed. Still no support, and add 'Poor spelling/grammar' to the list of reasons I'm not supporting.
      Good luck.
    12. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No Support. Sorry.
      Reasons Stated By ParanormalPizza.
    13. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      I tried fixing all of them but I only found two grammer mistakes. If I can do anything to change that to a support please tell me.
    14. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      Well is there anything I can fix I fixed the grammer..
    15. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Rizekk, being my friend in all instead of being in-honest and giving you a bad answer to this I'm gonna be honest with you. I mean that's what friends are all about honesty so don't be mad about this okay, understand?

      • Be more active
      • Get at least "Well-Known" member
      • Help more in-game and on the forums
      • Get to know the players well
      • Get to know the use of the forums since you may not know how to use it completely
      • Also, try reporting players as it shows the server you are helping out banning/muting players that break the rules
      Neutral, good luck! :)
    16. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      I am staying on Neutral.
    17. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Add more detail and get to know the community, good luck! :)
    18. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Be more active on the forums.
    19. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      on my youtube channel I have shown my hacker reports.
    20. Frankenstiene

      Frankenstiene Active Member

      Oct 31, 2015
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      thanks I will try my best!
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