Age __ I'm am currently 11 years of age. My In Game Name ______________ My In game username is Rizzek but my Real life name is Ardonit Time Zone ________ Eastern Timezone (ET) My Country _________ i live in the United States Of America, the land of the free Languages ________ i speak albanian its a culture from europe and I speak american Why I think I should be Mod ____________________ I am really active so I can spot things like hackers and scammers and ect. i am really kind to people becuase I know how it feels to get called names and get left out cause I got bullied in fourth grade. I am caring so if anyone ask for money on kitpvp I will give them some money or gear. i also wanna make sure everyone on is being nice and following the rules. I know some commands such as /kick (player) (amount of time) and /ban (player) and /mute (player) (amount of time). I enjoy peoples' happiness it's the best thing ever. I will always play on mineverse and I will never hack nor have I ever. Having power and commands others may not have is not why I am applying. I am applying to make sure everyone is happy and is enjoying their stay on the server and to be sure people are fair and don't do unnecessary things. I also will record hackers on servers all around mineverse. I do not wanna day my youtube channel name because it will seem as advertising. As a donor I do not try to act as if im the best or even good. Before I joined this server I was the same as I am today. I have many friends and I try not to make enemies. I am truthful I can't keep a lie from anyone unless it's a must. Before I continue I want to apologize to anyone I have been rude to and my stupidity on my old forums account. I do not brag nor show off to anyone about anything.I can be strict but I also wanna have fun with the members and to be treated as a mod but also as a normal member would treat a normal member. I do play around alot with people and mods such as MaxNinja. I have this new forum account but I have been on the forums for about 4 months on my other forum account but sadly could'nt edit my application. I enjoy mineverse and just like you other mods I worked my behind off to work on this application so I wanna say congradulations to the accepted mods. I work really hard towards the thing I want to achieve so I ofcourse will not give up until this application in in everyones liking. I enjoy helping people it's fun and pleasurable to me. Players deserve to be treated like a mod does so I will treat everyone the same. Negativity _______ If players are being negative to each other I would first ask what's going on. After I know what's going on I will then think of the things that are happening and know what I will do to the players. If their just not friends and just don't like each other I will probably mute them. If a mod and I were to argue I will remind myself and him/her that we need to be responsible and assort it in a respectful non-rude way. Active _____ I can be on for nearly 3 hours a day maybe longer maybe less. I can also be active on the forums but not that much cause I would much rather be active on the server. How Long I been Playing on mineverse ___________________________ i have been playing mineverse for 7 months it may seem little but I have learned and done much. Have I been been in the past ____________________ I have never been banned but have been muted on my other account on the forums.(Forums & In-game] Expierience As Moderator __________________ i have expierience as mod on a server named FuzzyPrison which is shut down now to do lack of donations. and a server named koala prison. There are server info and things about these servers on youtube so if you want you may check them out. My Knowlage of Minverse __________________ I know only one mod on kitpvp (Maxninja)cause the others are not so active. I know the rules on kitpvp but there are other minigames that if you think I will do good on feel free to alert me. The rules are not to curse, no scamming, no hacking, and ect. I also know that there are many games so I do not mind which I have to manage but I just love to help. PATIENCE _______ I am very patient with many things. Such as being asked questions by members and them needing help. Respect _____ I respect other staff members most definitely but as should I also respect the players of the server or players of kitpvp . Respect is the main key to earn respect not to ask for it. If I were to get staff I will try to earn respect from the players cause being a new mod is'nt always easy but it is worth helping players out. If _ If I were to get accepted as moderator I would throw a larty on the whole sever and in real life with my brother. If I were to get denied as moderator I will continue to be nice and respect all the players and staff members. Maturity & Age ___________ I know by the look of my age I seem young and maybe you guys think im immature. I am really mature and I have been telling members to respect each other when the disrespect eachother. Attitude ______ I am really kind and love to make people laugh. I worry alot in real life but that's just who I am. I love seeing people smile it's a joy to my soul. I do enjoy bullying or cyber bullying so cross that off my "things I like" list I would immediately, kick, mute, or ban the player starting the immature and rude action. About Me _______ I am the youngest of a family of 3. My brother joins the server some times and we play kitpvp all the time. I share loot and gear with people cause I feel bad for everyone. I have never tp trapped I play the game fairly and legit. Your Thoughts ___________ If any of you have a response or anything to talk to me about please tell me on the comments of this application. I will not ask if you do not state why you say no support but I will kindly say "thanks you for the feedback" because it may be a personal reason. <3 ~Rizzek P.S if you think I should work on another mini game or server on mineverse please do and inform me. I only have one application which I edited I did not create over 1 on this forum account so please recheck.
No support -Really Hard To Navigate through, Try separating the questions and answers with different colors. - Not much detail, I think you should add a little more detail and add your knowledge about the server.
Thanks you for your feed back if you want me to change anythig please go ahead and inform me cause I accually just finished editing my application as you commented this.
Neutral I still think there is a little more detail you can add to make the application POP. I would suggest looking at the 'Accepted Applications' to better understand what you would need to add.
No support. New to the forums Inactive both ingame and on forums I have honestly never seen you ingame Grammatical errors (doesn't exactly matter, but I'm a grammar nazi) Needs more information Suggestions and tips: Become more active ingame & on the forums Get to know people better; socialize Improve on your application Wait a while before you apply. Maybe wait till you are Member or Active Member Good luck!
You maybe dont see me in game, do you play kitpvp? Cause I mainly play that but I am gonna edit it to make it perfect! And do mods decide if they get accepted?