I believe that the /report command would help with banning hackers. Just because 1 person /reported someone they wouldn't get banned but if many pepole started to they would. The reason I think this would help is because not everyone knows about the forums or they do know but don't want to make a forums account. This would make it easyer for them to report hackers.
No support. Like others have said, most people have no clue as to what hacks are. There are so many hack'usations its not even funny. Can you imagine what the mods would have to do just to keep up with something like this? Our way of reporting now is just fine.
No support some people can't tell the difference of hacks and skill. Also if some people hate a person they all could just type /report (player) and get them banned.
I would support this but there is many situations where this command "./report" can go wrong. For example if there was two people on a server who hated everything about each other, one of them could get all their friends to "./report" the person who is hated and get them banned for no actual reason. Which is why forums is a very formal and protective way of reporting someone in order to get them banned. No Support
No support. This is why the forums is in place, anyway, it would be easier to get somebody falsely banned this way.
No support sorry. People can't tell if others are hacking or not. Another example of this going terribly wrong is not using it correctly. For example if someone didn't get along with another player that well, this command could be abused just because someone dislikes a player. False reports will be coming in everyday because of this. It seems like a nice idea, but just being able to do "./report" so easily without proof is not very thought through.