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  • ✯[Aus] _DeltaWolf_ Moderator Application [Global]✯

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by yehs, Nov 8, 2015.

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    1. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Hey Guys! _DeltaWolf_ also known as Dan and D8_C41 here, bringing you my Moderator Application. :)

      How Old Are You? I am 15 years old, turning 16 next year on the 28th of July. Age wise I believe this age is qualified enough for the job.
      What Is Your In-Game Name? _DeltaWolf_ but i am also know as D8_C41, _D8_C41_Gaming_, _D8_C41_PlaysMC_ and Dan although i am more commonly known by the name of D8_C41 though.
      What-Time Zone Are You In And What Country Do You Live In? I am in the Western Australian Timezone, I live in the city Perth which is the capital of Western Australia. In this time-zone not many Mods play and i see many people who need help of a Mod in this time-zone and are unable to find one. (although some Moderators do moderate in this time-zone.
      What Language's Do You Speak In? I speak fluent English (Australian but i can cope with the differences in-between Australian and American English), I can understand Portuguese (not fluent) and i am learning Spanish.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Not any on public servers but i have been co-owner and Head-Admin on my friends private servers. As this would be advertising in a way i only talk about these 2 when necessary or asked though.

      Have you ever been banned? I was banned once for advertising back when i was a unexperienced player and didn't know the rules, (not on MineVerse but i will not state an external server name) and I have been warned once in one of my posts, this one was indeed on MineVerse and I have learned my lesson for my mistake, against the rules.
      How long have you been playing MineVerse? I actually started following MineVerse before even started playing on it, I watched many YouTube vids and then my friends actually introduced me to it in-game about 1 and a half to 2 years ago. Ever since I haven't regretted starting a new journey on this amazing server. :)
      How Active can you be active on the server each day? I can be active on the MV Forums from 6-10hours a day and I can be in-game from 2-6 hours on a week day although on weekends i can play in-game 6-12hours and about 8+ on forums. And I personally think this is enough for a Mod but, you guys don't have to think the same as me. NOTE: I don't always play one Server I believe swapping around servers makes you have new friends and experience more of this awesome server.
      Why do you want to become a Mod and you story on MineVerse~ When I started playing MineVerse I always needed with getting around and understanding how things work around on MineVerse. Lots of experienced players helped me and now a days I try to do my best with others. about a year ago I donated to the server to help it and another server too, (I will not state names). After a while i got bored of the other server and focused all my free time into MineVerse. I have seen many people on MineVerse how have been hacking and banned but only recently I myself have started reporting the hackers, I have taken many screenshots and vids but I didn't post them for some random reason :/ But now just recently i have reported a player and I plan to report more hackers or people breaking the rules of MineVerse. I believe even though we have some of the best Mods possible on the whole of MineVerse we need more, and I fell like it's our duty to help the Mods with hackers and glitches, and I believe if everyone on MineVerse work together we can ban most of the hackers. I also at the same time believe that I am mature and trustworthy enough to take the job. Although the main reason I want to be a Mod is to help new arrives, I want to help people and help MineVerse be a better server. I believe with a bigger team and a tiny bit more strength (The current staff team do try their hardest and are really good at helping though) we can get MineVerse into the top 3 global MineCraft servers, and I want to help with growing and helping the community.

      I have tried the most I can to help the server with glitches and people with questions, I have seen some Mods on different servers that report glitches but never help people, I get pretty frustrated and angry at these Mods, even without the rank Moderator i will still help people with questions and the server in whole with glitches and hackers.
      Kindness With A Batch Of Honesty
      I love to be Kind and Honest to everyone I talk to, both in-game and in real life, I have to admit that recently i have not been the kindest because of the way my life is slowly flowing at the moment but after this difficulty in my life I will be the Kind Minecrafter I once was, even with this difficulty at school I am still trying to be the kindest player i can possibly and I hope you all understand, It's alright if u don't.
      Have I Been Exposed To Hacking?!?
      50,50 cause I used to load up Mods to play Lan with friends, private servers and single player and then went on another Server with the Mods still exposed, I learned that this was effecting my Game-Play and I officially had a clean up of my computer, but hacks I have never used.
      Calmness and Behaviour
      I try to react as calm as I can during fights and misunderstandings but I can't say I am one of the calmest people I know. I always follow all the rules I know and while I am a happy and fun person who loves to play around I am very strict at the rules of the game. I behave nice and I don't swear, I also incouragr some players not to swear, the resin of this was because a few months ago my brother got banned for swearing on another server, and I don't want this to happen to more people.
      Respect And Experience.
      I Respect as many players as i can and even through feud in-between me and another player or a friend and a normal player I try to be respectful of both sides and not to take sides in a feud, I hate to swear and I have only come to realise this recently actually a lot from and with my siblings.
      I have the knowledge of knowing that proof and obedience is required if you are the person getting reported or the person reporting. I have picked up many Titan commands on some servers including
      and more, for investigation and Moderator commands like
      /mute <player> <time>
      /kick <player> <reason>
      /tempban/ban <player> <reason> <time> (Temp ban only)
      /unban <player>
      ^ Used Only When Appeal Has Been Posted And Accepted ^
      When i was Head-Admin on my friends server I noticed my other friend hacking, I took proof of screenshots and a vid for myself to inspect and after 43mins I banned him. (temporarily but i didn't put a specific /tempban date).

      Are you friendly?? I try to be as Friendly as i can and i enjoy making new friends, although in real life I am very very shy to make new friends even talk to new people but i often try to combat that, and step up to the challenge of making friends.
      Mature. I like to be as mature as i can but one of the things that makes me, well me is that I enjoy to have fun and joke around, but i do force myself to be as mature as possible at the times i must.
      Orderliness. In real life i am a very organised person, I Hate being late to places and times that have been arranged for stuff, and if something is in the wrong spot and i know where it belongs i will put it in the right place.
      What type of person are you and what religious group are u from? I am a type of person that uses good times as inspiration to not be sad, bored, depressed and miss out on this type of fun and then i use sad parts of life to inspire myself to have fun and be happy since it inspires me to be sad and have times like those. I am a christen which also ensures me to be the Happy, Loving, rule following person that I am now a days.

      Outro. Thanks for reading my Mod application and I hope I have given you enough Information.


      Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
    2. thorraks

      thorraks Guest

    3. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      I suggest adding more info under why you should get mod, but I've seen that you're friendly in-game. Add more info, and you have my support.
    4. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Thanks For Support, And Yes I Will Add Some More. :)
    5. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      No support.
    6. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      May you please state why not?
    7. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      -Not enough detail
      -Ever since you got titan, you've seemed quite immature and rude.
    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Now that you said it I do kinda feel different as Titan and i feel kinda a-bit disrespective, I will do my best to be Kinder and loving again and also is there any thing specific that you want added like a topic in the Template you want me to fix?
    9. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      I have changed the bottom of my application added more stuff and removed unnecessary bits.
    10. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Just put some more detail in the traits that you have. Also, please change some of the colors in the text, as it is hard to read. Final thing, fix some grammatical errors that you have made. Thanks :)
    11. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Support for sure, you are very friendly and helpful on forums and in-game. Maybe add some more info and fix some grammatical errors. Good Luck :)
    12. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Grammar isn't my strongest trait as a human sorry :(
      I have done the best I can to fix the grammar. Again Sorry :c
    13. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      You did a great job though :)
    14. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    15. Robisgreat10

      Robisgreat10 Well-Known Member

      Oct 6, 2014
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      Sorry, no support.
    16. Pressely

      Pressely Active Member

      Nov 7, 2015
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      I like the application, Not too much detail though.
      I think you'll make a good Moderator as of your behavior in game. Good Luck.
      Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
    17. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Support. Your very kind in game.
    18. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
      May you please state why not?
    19. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    20. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Thread Locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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