This is still a fairly new idea that may or may not be any good but hear me out here. What if there were a section of the forums specifically dedicated to listing things like shops and hotels? Each shop/hotel would have a little page listing the items available, prices, and any other information necessary. This could give shop owners a bit more advertisement when they first start out and it would make items that aren't sold in the main shop easier to find in player shops.
What you mean by this, is to have players (on gamemodes with Chest sign shops)to advertise what they have to sell in-game on the forums by having a sub-forum dedicated to that, right? Not a bad idea then.
That's exactly what I mean, yup. And the pages should be editable so if new items are added or taken down it can be updated
Can't we just do it in game? I'm not a big fan of the survival based things, although it could be handy. 75% of my support. Good luck!
I support although there are places like Off-Topic and activites where most of like shops and like a town or massive monuments, and you can post it there but still this would be cool.
Support, a great idea and it will be good for people wanting to sell things quickly and know where to advertise their product