There are the servers [OPPrison] and [OPPVP], [OPFactions]. Like these i believe that an [OPSurvival] should be added too. There could be like the other OP servers OP enchants or easy access to more rare items.
No support. I see no use of there being such a thing as OPSurvival. It would be so annoying trying to break 1 block with an efficiency 250 pickaxe/axe
I oppose this suggestion. I do not think this would benefit the server much. As there is already three OP servers [OP-PvP, OP-Factions, OP-Prison], adding one more is like adding another server. Overall I do not support. Thanks, Turtalized.
No support. As Str stated, it's already op enough. Titans having enchant ruined the game. The shop made it op.
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