/as tp cell should be bannable whilest combat. Reason: 1. You can cell tp when you have low health in PvP. And never die. Reason: 2. It's annoying. Reason: 3. It's not fair for people who doesn't have a cell.
Support, we need this, it makes pvp unbalanced for those who can set up a macro that allows them to press one button and cell tp, its frustrating to see and experiance.
I Half-support. I agree with no cell tp'ing in combat, but heres what I think. I think that the combattag should not allow any teleports, with no punishment for trying. So that if you were combattagged the timer would not let you until the timer has run out.
ikr its annoying they should disable it while pvping then after not being combat tagged you can leave the pvp
Hello!, I agree with the point that you're trying to make. I dislike it when you're in PvP combat, you're having a good fight and then the opponent just teleports away. It's really frustrating. In other words, I grant my support. Thanks, Turtalized.