Last night I was in spawn in the enchant area and I minimized my minecraft screen, I got on this morning to play and I was on top of spawn dead. Any Explanations?? I had full op armour and gear on kitpvp, Potheadd_ told me that CypriotMerks likes to troll but I don't believe it was him and if it was, he is ruining the game cause I lost my items that took forever to get
Yeah, what server actually is this :p And I don't see any other way you could be dead on top of "spawn" unless Cyp wants to wreck you
It makes me mad cause I lost all my stuff and I was in the enchant room with my minecraft window minimized
I was in spawn when I left , and was on top of spawn when I got back on, I didn't starve to death, I was tp'd
We have no permissions or access to move you. We also have no access to /kill. There is no way any one of could have moved you. We have very limited permissions. Sorry you died tho. :/
Of course he does, but you could do the command /seen CypriotMerkz and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been on Kit a a while. Besides that, I and Kron are the only people I've ever known him to use the command /kill. Kron for having an inventory of hacked thorns 1000 armor and me as a troll. lol
I want a set of dat D: is it inside /kit mod or something XD ... Anyways I think it was as said above , Hunger.
Could've been an enderpearl that landed their after you minimized your window? thats happened to me before.
As Pile said, moderators don't have permission to move or /kill a player. I also doubt Cyp would have, unless you did something that REALLY bothered him. Still, I doubt he would have the time to move or kill you