I said that because he spent 15 hours with me creating it, then griefs it. I have a reason to be upset. Don't you have better things than to screenshot my every cuss word, @Aka_Illuminati?
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/griggsf-moderator-application-enjoy.58611/ This was a moderator application on a forums alt of yours which was involved in scamming, there is no way on god's (or whoever you worship's) earth you will get my support and unfortuneatly for you this will be the same for an awful lot more people too
No support, you have scammed many people, and you're still going. You don't have a good attitude. You need to be more active on forums too. Plus, I have reason to believe that multiple people use your account.
File a report. Publicly expressing this isn't useful. Nobody but my best friend use my account, and he has a very limited media expansion.
I apologize, I am an extravert and I can get angry at times of change. Many times it's because I had a long day and people have made it longer and more boring, but it's my fault. Neutral or No Support?
Thank you for your input, I got banned for filing a ban appeal, then remembered that I can only do so if it's a false ban. Thanks.