It doesn't fit with the rest of the map. While watching the video I was thinking of what a perfect map this is, but then I saw that abnormal tunnel of ladders and the awkward maze.
I'm fine about it being removed, it does seem quite out of place and I think the map wouldn't change too much from one spot being removed
it just means use different leaves, blocks, trees themselves, maybe some custom built trees, more of a variety you know, visit my plot 1 for ideas on the trees & vegetation
just wow. you just copied the infection map made by Electronoob & me. we built the exact same map months before this. but ElectroNoob had issues with joining Mineverse that's why we didn't submit it yet because we wanted to add some more structures and details. no support.
I've never been to any of your plots, this was purely just an idea that came to mind. We did not copy you on purpose. I have never seen any other crash landing map.