I don't do upgrades, but heres how much you will need (alot). http://www.mineverse.com/threads/server-exchange-rates-server-money-useful-for-rank-trading.61528/
I suggest saying what you have in your top post so people can see it when they first click on the thread
Skyblock 10k=$1 Kitpvp 200=$1 Skygrid 64emeralds=$1 Hellblock 10k=$1 OpPvP 200=$1 Gta 1000=$1 OpPrison 1 trillion = $1 Prison 100k = $1 Survival 250k = $1 Opfactions 1m = $1 Factions 50k = $1 Archerpvp 250 = $1 Some of his figures are wrong and most aren't even there