1. Your In-Game Name: ClassicCosmic 2. What do you want for the text? Bubble Letters 3. Which style do you want? (Example: Halloween, Christmas, Normal) Halloween 4. Do you want to keep things in your hand in the picture? If so, what. I want a baby rabbit if possible, with like a wither in the background saying "I'm Coming"
1. Your in-game name: Jesse234106 2. What do you want for the text? Bubble letters 3. Which style do you want? (Example: Halloween, Christmas, Normal): Christmas please 4. Do you want to keep things in your hand in the picture? If so, what: me holding a diamond sword with a wolf beside me Thanks for doing this, take your time
1. Your In-Game Name: xJagerBomb 2. What do you want for the text? 'xJagerBomb' please can it be 3D and purple please 3. Which style do you want? (Example: Halloween, Christmas, Normal) Can I have Normal please:D 4. Do you want to keep things in your hand in the picture? If so, what Can I have a diamond sword please Thank you for taking your time if you do make me one xx Thank you xx;)
I will be sure to ask for a request, Philip320 This seems like a pretty good idea The example's you have provided above are excellent. I love how the Community can share stuff like this, This is what I love to see on a Community! -MrBigDaddy146
Take your time! I'm guessing you weren't expecting to get so many requests. I think you are doing a fabulous job and we all love your work!
1. Your In-Game Name: 32rhys32 2. What do you want for the text? Rhys in 3d writing 3. Which style do you want? (Example: Halloween, Christmas, Normal) Normal thanks, maybe a castle or something like knight / pvp themed if possible. 4. Do you want to keep things in your hand in the picture? If so, what? A gold axe or sword in both hands? thanks, if not just 1 hand p.s I need it 200x200 pixels for profile pic.
https://gyazo.com/d6c5b9ad93f19ea01458ad3c2e777762 I can edit if you like, sorry for the time but I have done other things.
xD I know how you feel about all these messages from my cartoon heads- it sucks right?! xD anyways, I'm not requesting, just saying that all of these look damn awesome! Nice job!
xD He means it wouldn't do any harm to have a diamond sword, not that the sword won't do much damage. Close though!