» Preface: Hello all, I am Turtalized, and I have made a map that I believe, use to be in Infection, but this has been updated and looks nothing a like the old caves, in my point of view, it looks better and it's a bit bigger. Information: » Map Name: Caves [V2] » Spawn Coordinates: » X: -26216.688 Y: 17.00000 Z: 11050.227 » Facing: West. (towards negative X) (123.9 / 5.6) » Accessibility: /p h Turtalized. » Builders: » Creator: Turtalized. » Helpers: Aka_Illuminati, xFeurin,BlackZone514, lck99. » Discussion: This map, caves, has multiple rooms, caves and good spots to obtain your ROFLStomps/streaks. There are no really 'OP' Spots where you are not able to be killed. It is all laid out so you can hide away from the zombies and camp your streaks. It is a small map once you're inside, but bigger than the original caves. This caves has more terraformed parts and has more caves than the original one. In no way was it copied or re-created to look like the original caves because this was our concept of the map, we thought of it and then we made it off-by hand with no images, video's or anything. » Video:
@Mr_Smiley_ @Prin @lachie_jones99 @Censor @SSMH @Glitcher726 @SurgePlayZGameS @AthleticPsycho @KrAzY_26 @Scorvix @ParanormalPizza @TADS4 @Mookiezzx @NoobCupCake @RebornWolf_ Maybe, that's all I know. Sorry for not tagging, no hates plz. ;-;
It was just me, my FPS dropped extremely low and there were about 100 players on, so that makes it laggier. Thanks, Turtalized.