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  • Moderator application by: Floflorian123 [Locked] [Jan]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by beastplayer, Oct 22, 2015.

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    1. beastplayer

      beastplayer Active Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Hi everyone! My name is Floflorian123. I am a small youtuber and just a girl who loves to play games such as Minecraft. I have been on mineverse.com since about two years ago and the first time I logged on to this server, I knew that I would love it here; and I did. I love all the different games you can do whether it’s skywars, factions, pvp, survival but most of all, I love the Mineverse community. I have been waiting to apply for a mod but since the forums were down. I couldn’t register. Thankfully the forums is fixed so, here I am. I know there are a lot of applications being applied everyday. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to come here and read it. :)

      How old are you?

      I am 14 years old. I know it’s young for an age but I feel that I am very much mature enough for this job.

      Your in-game name:

      My in-game name is: Floflorian123 <- fairly easy to remember

      What timezone are you in?
      I am in the Pacific Time Zone

      What country do you live in?

      United States of America

      What languages do you speak?

      I speak English and am currently learning Hindi and Spanish

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Personally, I love to welcome anyone and everyone that comes to this server especially newcomers. If I have the time (which most of the time I do) I would be more than happy to show them around the server.

      Whenever someone needs help or just wants to know more information on a specific part of the server, I’m almost always there to help. I have been “training” to be a mod as well. For example, whenever I am in a skywars game and I catch a hacker, I immediately start filming as much footage as I can and send it to former mods like Rythen, Wardogs411, and Ares_Xena. Same goes for a spammer.

      Being a kind and friendly person is a big and important part for a moderator. I love meeting new people and hanging out with them. Although I am pretty competitive (on skywars) I always like to end off a game with a simple “gg”.

      I can tell fairly easily whether a person is hacking or lying. When I see one, I have my recorder all up and ready to go. Mainly I see common hacks which includes: Anti-knockback, kill aura, and fly hacks. I am new to forums so it will take me a while to learn what goes on it everyday and how people act. I am a fast learner however. I also will give people chances. 1-2 chances for things like spamming, caps, or swearing. However, if they still keep doing it, well, they know what’s coming.

      Some commands I know:
      /kick <player> <reason>
      /tempban <player> <time>
      /mute <player> <time>
      /ban <player> <reason>
      /unban <player>

      Everyone’s job in life is to be responsible. As a moderator, being responsible is key. I will not procrastinate if I promise someone something. If there’s a mod who barely gets on and if he/she is on, and they don’t do anything, that is not being responsible. However, I am almost on everyday (depending on the amount of homework I have) and as a mod, I feel that it’s important to be active and take control on what’s going on.

      Everyone wants active members. I log on to Mineverse almost everyday so I consider myself fairly active. Mineverse Forums is an amazing community and I log into this everyday to check out recent updates and suggestions.

      Fast Typer:
      I consider myself fairly fast at typing and overall replying to messages on forums and in-game. There was a couple of times in Skywars where I was messaging five people at a time and I helped them with no mess-ups or confusion.

      I will take things into action right away whether it's a report, fight, suggestion, etc. I do have to admit I procrastinate a bit but I'm trying my hardest to bring that out. If there is any problem that I don't think I can fix myself, I will ask other staff members and together we will work it out. I also don't jump to conclusions. I think about the problem thoroughly before I make a solution.

      Although I know being a staff member contains high maturity, everyone has a sense of humor. I am not the most serious, straight-face, dead human being. I love to have a good laugh and I'm sure players would have more respect for mods who do so they can get the job done and have fun at the same time. I mean come on, who doesn't like a good laugh?

      I would like to get rid of all the hackers because I saw a guy Jesus hacking and he was the one who killed me with protection 4. Fighting hackers is unfair to all the players who don't hack. It would be awesome if the servers can pvp without hacks. I bet that will make the players happy. They will come on and not worry about hackers killing them with their protection 4 diamond armor.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      On Mineverse:

      Monday-Thursday (Not including Wednesday): 2-4 hours
      Wednesday: 1-3 hours
      Friday-Sunday: 4-9 hours (I play a LOT on weekends)

      On Forums:

      I will be on daily for about 2-6 hours everyday.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I have been playing on this server for about 2 years but I have known about this server for a couple years and I love it.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?


      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      No, not really but I know what mod’s do and how they’re supposed to act and help the server. Some friends of mine are also working on a new server and I am an admin on it.

      Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)
      I would like to moderate Skywars and Creative.
      [EDIT] I recently learned that all mods apply for global now.


      How will you benefit our staff team?
      I will be active both on forums and in-game as much as I can. I will help whoever is in need of it whether it's about something in-game, in forums, or anything else really. When I notice there's only a few staff members online here on forums, I will try my best to stay online and help whoever needs it. Honestly, if I get accepted I will probably be on forums and in-game twice as much as I do now.
      Why are you applying?
      I am mainly applying so I can help, improve, and support the server. I truly love this server ever since the beginning I joined and believe that I can make a change. Ill make this server a better place.

      Support: 44
      Neutral: 13
      No Support: 3

      Thank you all so much for taking the time to look over my application. If you have any feedback, comments, and/or complaints, please put it down. I would like to improve on my mistakes.:cat:

      If you happen to see me around the server, don’t forget to drop in and say Hello. :) I would love to meet you.

      :)Thank you and have yourselves a wonderful day <3 :)
    2. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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      I see to believe this is a plagiarized application, as you "have" supports neutrals and no supports already. Sorry No Support.
    3. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      If this is your mod app then great job. But I'll stay neutral for now.
    4. Dylan61764

      Dylan61764 Active Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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    5. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      ^^ if this is true, no support at all!

      If not. Than neutral.
    6. Akn

      Akn Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2014
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    7. Janice

      Janice Retired Admin | Max's Mentee Premium

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Thread Locked on request.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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