Neutral at the moment. Some tips/ things you can improve on: More information preferably in the "Why do you think you should become a mod" section Tone down the colors a bit, that way your application can look more professional and it's easier to read It doesn't affect me much but other people may not like ||That You Talk Like This A Lot. || Some grammar mistakes but that's fine. You could fix it if you have time. Overall, your application looks nice and colorful. Just add a bit more info, stay active and I have still yet to meet you in-game as well. Good Luck! Keep Smiling
Thank you a lot, I like to see the opinions of others, and I do know my habit of Typing Like This, it's a work in progress to stop that habit.
I agree with @Janice999. The colors need some toning DOWN. The colors aren't completely eye-burning, but slightly. I recommend congratulating janice!! She's worked hard. She might give you some helpful tips, as she already has
No Support; Good application, but I suggest adding colours that are a bit more seeable. - Add more detail. - Increase forum activity - Again, the colours. Good luck and have a nice day .
I've fixed some stuff that were told to improve, and I think i'm done :D If you have any more opinions please say
Your app looks much better than before. The only thing I'm a lil off about is just your behaviour in game. Not to offend you or anything but sometimes you get on my nerves asking me questions after questions on something personal repeatedly. If you change that habit I might consider supporting you.
Kitty I'm pretty sure i didn't ignore you. I did reply to you and said "I THINK I know why but I can't tell you, I'm sorry." But you still asked me the same "Why cant you tell me" at least 4 times after that.