I've paid $100 for your God rank years ago, sent you guys an email about it, but still no reply. I want to have my rank back as soon as Possible. My Username is: Lavaman892, My old Username was: TheLavaman892
Maybe you email Cypriot, and ask him to look through the list of players who bought God, maybe he might see your rank there ._. But I doubt cypriot would do that. There are tons of God Players In Mineverse.
Send an email to [email protected] with your in game name, problem, proof of which game modes you are missing your rank on, and proof that you have the rank. You might not get an immediateresponse, so try sending the same email once every week.
If you have no proof at all, then there is no way this is getting anywhere. Even like a digital receipt or a picture of the order, or a picture of your bought items with your bank account or something. If you send an email, the Owner or Co owner may check if the received a order from you, but you will need to provide suffice evidence first. Also; i'm pretty sure pretending to once have a rank is classed as breaking the rules, so if you are lying, ask for this thread to be closed before Crew or Cyp check if you have bought a rank, find out you haven't, and ban you. But, I haven't memorised the rules yet, but i'm sure that is a rule, so just letting you know.