Thread has been updated to be more math-friendly. Please contribute if you know any other exchange rates!
Money's easy to come by (depending on rank) he might be right, though. I'll tag some long timers. @BuilderNicky1 @UncleUrnesto @MaxNinja10
Tbh, I wouldn't know. I've never really thought about it. I got my rank upgrade VIP(Or MVP can't remember lol)- God for 7k on KitPvP. It just depends on the person to how much is worth in in-real-life.
I honestly don't remember anymore. I only remember about 7-9k (depending on the person) might buy you God or something. It's a good offer.
Kitpvp: I got god for 20k in total. 1k for premium, 1k for sponsor, 2k for vip, 3k for mvp, 3k for elite, 6k for supreme, and 4k for god. Also threw in a few p4 un3 sets here and there. Also you switched supreme and god.