Hello, I just want to talk about RentPvP_'s quitting. He quit because of several reasons. I was really sad when this happened. Me Fxded__, And KOrdic are the only ones who cared, and tried to bring back Rent. But we couldn't. Here are some of the reasons why he quit.... Reason #1. Pingers that are cocky. There is a lot of pinger that are cocky on mineverse (Op PvP). An example, Foils. Foils is SavagePlays. Foils is one of the most cockiest people I have ever seen. When ever Foils kills someone, He Says "ez" "get rekt" to "ez skid". Personally, to me this is the most cockiest things that a person can do. Thats why Rent hates cocky people. Reason #2. A lot of God damn hackers. Rent and I usually run into hackers. We try to fight them but we die. Come on mineverse, ban these hackers. Cause I see at least 5-10 hackers a day. Get better plugins mineverse, your anti hack plugins suck. Reason #3. No one ever helps. Rent will usually run into 3v1's or 2v1's. He ask his friends to help but they don't. So he always dies because a 3v1 or a 2v1. People, start caring and help him out. Rent had so much gaps and s30's he wasted on 2v1s and 3v1s Bye Rent, It Has Been A Good Time On Mineverse With You -Natq/TacoNum/Nate