I am trading all the things listed below for an upgrade from Sponsor to Titan on my alt. 1.) 2 MC Account Codes 2.) 15k-KitPvP, 52 tril-Op Prison, 3 p4unb3ds3 sets-KitPvP, 54 gapples-KitPvP, 231 enderpearls-KitPvP, 5 plain sharp5's-KitPvP, my current Titan kit on every single game mode except Infection (you get my Infection /kit TitanXP), $50 iTunes Giftcard and $15 Google Play Giftcard. If you're interested in this trade, please leave a comment. I will update it fluently, please tell me if this is a good deal, too. ;)
some people said this deal was bad.. 27k on kitpvp 500k on skyblock mc account with titan rank + legend rank on mineplex..
@tin15cro multiple posts also look at the two offers, on this one he offer 15k kitpvp and the other 12k kitpvp? If you take a look at this you will see previously he claimed to have even more all of these claims are false http://www.mineverse.com/threads/upgrade-from-sponsor-god.59816/
There is no two which ways about it, you are scamming and deserve to be banned, also you have multiple accounts
Why can't u just make the money to buy it urself? or just save allowance… by doing work an stuff. Instead of being lazy xD
@GizzBots @12323emily @Pile_of_Butts @Diggy @larrythebird101 @xSoulHero @MaxNinja10 @Nightfire is there anything you can do? This person clearly is griggsf and therefore has 2 forums accounts, it's already been proven by @tin15cro he doesn't have the money he claims to have on prisons so is therefore scamming I shall post all the links I have regarding this too http://www.mineverse.com/threads/upgrade-from-sponsor-god.59816/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/upgrade-from-sponsor-god.59816/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/anyone-doing-upgrades-sponsor-anything-you-think-is-fair.61423/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/upgrade-from-sponsor-god.59816/
You offered me 13 Million on Prison, with 76 Trillion OP Prison for an upgrade yesterday. Scamming again, same person. @bananaman11223