It isn't bad, I'll give you that. What happens when the map is added to infection? The water on the title will fall, ruining it. The ladders are also a bit too op. The maze system is too op. Either remove it or shrink it. Neutral.
I used blue glass blocks and no water, so if this gets added it doesn`t have to change to water. And I know the maze is a bit to op, I was thinking about it when I made it but it was 50% yes 50% no but if you say it`s to op then I will change it. And the ladders will stay, lol.
like the design, looks like a lot of work was put in, as the map is this size, maybe less spots to camp, other than that full support for the hard work!
It was just a comment, there seems to be a lot of areas to perch and shoot but we could do with more human benefiting maps