Some people on Op PvP may be a bit aggravating. Messaging you for a kit, advertising things in chat, etc. I personally think it should be removed because it is quite annoying to see people spam the chat every once in awhile when you're trying to PvP. "PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS SERVER!" comes crashing in chat every 2 seconds. I know this isn't only me, a lot of other people have complained about this before. Bullying in chat too. /ignore would come in handy for that.
I personally agree with Panda simply because I can relate to his situation. Also, by allowing /ignore, no one can take use it anyway they aren't supposed to. It does tend to get quite annoying so I agree with you Man. Support :D
Well consider this. People who you report it to are extremely busy and tons of people do it. So, lets say someone was spamming. By the time someone can actually get a chance to do something about it, It would already be over and just continue the next day. Now, a lot of people do it so what are you going to do? Ban everyone that does it? This would result in a lot of people leaving which reduces the money they need to keep the server running.
But banning them just for spamming? I don't think that is necessary. Why not just ignore them and get yourself out of their way?
Could be true, but very unlikely. But no specific person would follow me on every server just to say "WOW YOU SUCK" or "OH YOU HACK" It can only be a one time thing.
Support, it gets really annoying after a while. I think this should be implemented across all servers as well, since unfortunately spammers are everywhere, not just limited to OP PVP.