It's obviously not new then. 2 weeks old, that's old. I recommend getting a new keyboard. 2 weeks is pretty long for a Razer keyboard. Good luck.
Wow incredibly disrespectful. If you don't want help, then don't bother making the thread. How did he insult you? All he said was that he considered 2 weeks old, "old." I guess it's a insult to you then. If you have warranty for the item, call customer service. Also, what happened when you called them 2 weeks ago? Did they not pickup or what? If they didn't answer or help you out, I suggest you call them again so you can get a new Blackwidow. You have 2 alt buttons, do one of them work? Explain further. Are the Alt Key(s) not responsive or slow? Do the keys not register when you type?
The alt keys do not register... (Sometimes they do, but sometimes they don t), I got warranty yes.. I think this is a problema of my pc, my pc is new but i had a laptop and all keys stoped work too... I think its a bug or virus