Hi my ign is UltimateGamerr but when i want to make a chestshop it says my name is Dantee that was my old name but now i cant use my other chestshops with UltimateGamerr where all my grass and stuff in is I already tried to change my name to UltimateGamerr but minecraft says it is already UltimateGamerr So can u fix it?
Hello there UltimateGamerr. You will need Cyp/Crew to break the ChestShop lock. Or you could change your IGN back to Dantee, but you'll have to wait the 30 day cooldown. :P
No my ign name is UltimateGamerr and my chestshops are to but when i make a new chestshop and put as name UltimateGamerr it says 'Dantee'
Maybe try emailing support@mineverse.com to see if they can do anything about it, but I don't know what they'd be able to do for you. If then they say that this is beyond their control, try contacting Mojang. I hope I helped, though I am not very familiar with this problem as I have never changed my name andmy account had never logged into Mineverse with any name other than my current one (the account was given to me).