Lately there have been suggestions supporting an idea to disallow members who are which new to this community from applying for staff positions. More and more members are agreeing with this suggestion, you might even be one of them. I'm going to try and convince you to turn away from the idea. Everyone is different in an unique way; i.e. not every member wants the position to overrule others. You must stop assuming the idea of indifference. Every member of this community has different personalities and with the arrival of new members brings more variety to this community. Whether they'll apply for staff position is up to them, but it is up to you to fairly judge those members without reasonable omission. Showing support towards this idea only proves you are agitated by the idea of the chance that a new member is better suited for the position you both apply for. That terrifies all of you because you all want the position as desperate as the next guy. I say that anyone who supports that idea does not deserve moderator. My suggestion is the continuation of allowing all members to apply. Consensus
Support, let's take @Wardogs411 for example. He was a great mod and didn't quite have above 30 trophies. Players have potential.
As in words different than useful, I find helpful, or creative a better fit. As there are many new members that have most likely joined with in the past month, they apply just for the rank, not knowing what power a moderator has. Yes, some people are highly intelligent if it comes to that matter, but they may not know how the server actually is. Lately, since Cypriot has fixed the Xenforo issue where signing-up was not validated, there have been a lot of new members joining and that same day, made moderator applications. They have no experience whatsoever with the server, unfortunately. Though, I support.
Forum moderation is just one of the duties of a moderator. The assumption is that if you are anything less than member you do not have the correct activity or presence to show that you can fulfil that role. Remember moderators need to reply to certain threads, know the forum rules, at least show they do that duty. Restriction by rank however is not a good idea. I know I was only a member when I became mod. Tin, wardogs all did not have the best forum presence however still was able to perform their roles. I was criticised for being a new member on the forums in a previous application rather than my experience as a crew server mod. I think people need to look at the in game first, because the forums stuff can be learned later. All a forums rank does is take your achievements and give you a title. And that title can be ill-gotten such as being rate abused giving you a lot of likes. It is not a tool to say whos worthy and whos not.
U need a good like 10 weeks on the server. And I have been playing for a while but got forums recently although ingame I know it all on forums I need to know it all to I prefer to give No Support to those players who are knew they might have potential but still not skilled in some stuff mods must know.
The suggestion is to continue to allow all members of all ranks to apply for moderator, not restrict certain ranks or those with fewer achievements.
Going to have to politely disagree with you. From my point of view, I wouldn't automatically trust a new member (as in, being on the server for a month or less) because there's no guarantee on how they may act. When a player takes time to get to know the community, and get involved, it proves that they're willing to dedicate more time to the server. Anyone can just make a forums account and apply. What makes people stand out is what they're recognized for and the qualities that they show. You can't see very many qualities in someone until you've gotten to see their behavior on the server. This is true, but I still disagree. I was moderator on a server called Cubecraft which is about ten times larger than MV and is #2 or #3 on the votes list. You may say that because of this, the mineverse community wouldn't need to know me that well and should assume I'd be a good staff member. Although I personally agree (of course), it's reasonable for everyone here to want to see the qualities shown by me, in order to determine whether or not I'd make a good moderator here as well. Not to mention that many staff members from more populated servers often apply for a smaller server just to troll or whatever. You know someone's not trolling when they take the time to meet the community and dedicate time to it.