No support. I witnessed you about 10 minutes ago cussing out a player on infection and after I told you not to, you replied with the same sentence, but changed one of the words to what it would have been if there was a filter. good luck (-:
Can you guys continue this bicker elsewhere? I'm sorry, not trying to be rude, it's just this is my Mod app, start a conversation or something. ;)
That is called me denying personal information. I don't usually leak confidential information unless needed.
Deleted the off topic posts. Lets stick to support/ no support and your reasons why please. Thanks and good luck.
Your name is offensive ;( People actually died and families were torn apart You seem highly immature if your name is IHaveEbola no s u p p o r t
Thanks, @Schmoyoho ;) Alright, thanks, Pile. It is offensive, once I change my in game name, I will change it on the forums. This account was originally my brother's and he made it that, but I take that blame. Thanks. I am as active as can be, but I am more interested in my education. I will make sure to help people as much as possible, I do when I'm online. ;)