It has come to my attention and @Alex, there are books in creative that force one to say a line of profanity into the chat, these lines are unwanted comments and the users have no power to help it, the books are obviously modded and force you to type words that you would -hopefully- not usually type. These books are being handed out and Alex herself was given some. She later warned the giver not to. So to keep this simple, there are books that make you do something unwanted and you should simply destroy any book that anyone asks you to read unless you can completely trust them, if the book has the title of "Open me" or something along those lines DON'T OPEN IT. Alex has begun to kick who ever is encouraging it and who pass it out. So if you are given a book like this don't touch it, throw it in lava or destroy it by any means. I will not upload a picture of what is being said because of how rude and stupid it is. Just a little heads up, Be careful.
It is just important that no one clicks a book which has been thrown at them by someone you do not know. Stay safe.