Here, I found something for you Like I said, gonna need to mess around with MySQL databases, but still, it would be a great addon to have.
You can use XenPermissions to do it automatically.
I've used it before, it takes a good couple of hours to config it, and I only did a couple of ranks ;( If Cyp were to do it, he has to link it up with the bungee and do seven ranks ;(
It also requires good familiarization with MySQL databases and XenForo configuration. It's probably not going to happen :(
Explain how a title in the forums under your name is makes mineverse more pay to win? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'm sure Cyp is familiar with both of those, but I agree. Probably won't happen. Not too bad though, it's not essential, so won't hurt either way.
Why don't you find it nesessary? It's just donor ranks for the forums. So under 'Member' it will have a banner of the donor rank you have in game. It would be a great addition to our forums but a lot of work is needed. So, it probably won't be added anyway.
After Cyp's comment there is some drama going just accept what cyp has said and move on people we don't want to start any fights over the forums