With the "hack" used in the video. There is a glitch on Archer Pvp that sometimes make people look like they have no slowdown. I will look further into the video and find out if the hack is genuine. Sorry for the inconvenience.
If this wasnt hacks, they would slow down when they were shooting the arrow. And they didnt, and she also did shoot arrows, but didnt slow down. The glitch is, it looks like the bow is chared while player is running, but they slow down when actually shooting a arrow. And if you seen at 0:14 seconds, it really looks like they were using Aimbot. Idk if that makes sense or not. Its jusr hard to put what im trying to say into words. But its your decisions.
@fryzigg what this player is saying is correct, with the vision glitch the player runs with it out and slows down to actually shoot, in the video he doesn't So I'd like to take this report on.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.