Your name has an extremely bad rep on forums right now. @boxjeremy @_MEGA_COOKIE_ and @boxjermy . You got off-topic above, you should have argued privately. In a convo etc. This thread is useless, am I allowed to ask for closing it? @bananaman11223 @Alex @12323emily @Scorvix @canucksfan44 Thank you
This thread is going completely out of hand and it is not need. If you have a problem with the staff members and how this server works, then maybe this server isn't right for you. If you have any complaints or issues just email or message one of the higher staff/owners. This thread is going to be locked since this is going nowhere, if you would like this to be unlocked just message me a good reason and it will be unlocked. Regards, ~Emily.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.