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  • ****The Lack of Mineverse Staff****

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Syndicade, Oct 7, 2015.

    1. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      No problems :)

      You and I both have experienced what its to staff, and also know what it takes to make a highly populated community mostly clean of rule breakers. That being a proper, and well bolstered staff team full of dedicated players willing to give free labor into community they love in the name of freeing it from rule-breakers.
    2. Miyukii

      Miyukii Well-Known Member

      Oct 5, 2015
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      There should be some way to allow the regular members to contribute to this server in this way as well. Maybe there should be a votekick system, that allows other, regular members to kick a player if X% of them agree to vote kick them. Of course, something like this would disable when the amount of players on the server is low.
    3. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Honestly, I don't like something like this could be implemented in the server itself. This is a system that works fine for other games, but not Minecraft. Besides, with a bolstered and well rounded staff team in place, the need for players to vote kick won't be direly needed.

      Interesting idea though :)
    4. Miyukii

      Miyukii Well-Known Member

      Oct 5, 2015
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      Yes, something like this would be much less useful if staff are online more often.
    5. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    6. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Consider this a needed bump, as it seems this vital thread has been buried;

      It has been almost a month since the posting of this thread, and the steps towards change have yet to be made. My own activity on the server itself has been majorly suppressed recently due to the overwhelming amount of rule-breakers that flood Mineverse daily. This problem being in addition to all of the other problems that remain unattended to on the server itself. This staff team is severely ineffective from the lack of its own activities, and the lacking of staff members. Months and months of this issue being neglected have already passed, and now it seems this may carry onward.
      I beg a few questions I hope at least one can answer.. How long does everyone expect Mineverse to remain populated, and stable with such a large force of rule-breakers corrupting the server *daily?* How does anyone expect this server to remain enjoyable when it is plagued with rule-breakers constantly? Three days after the posting of this thread, and it already gathered resounding support from both players AND staff. Everyone can agree this is a major problem that has been haunting 'Mineverse' for a while. To fix this staff team is not an impossible task, and would only benefit everyone apart of this community tremendously.

      Now I begin wonder how long it'll take for everyone's eyes to open, and for change to takes its course..

      - S
    7. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

      That moment when someone says either neutral, support, or nosupport but hasnt have the slightest clue what this thread is about
    8. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      It's confusing to think that some believe MV's staff team will be mostly fixed by simply adding A few more Mods. Sadly, it's not the simple.. At all.
    9. Subbiee

      Subbiee Legacy Member Premium

      Oct 23, 2015
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      Moderators are on just maybe not your Time Zone and the amount of Gamemode's and Minigame's there is kind of makes it impossible to have a load of Moderators do what you want them to do.

      Moderators have there hand's full and sometime's you will need to just deal with the fact that Moderators are busy solving one problem instead of dealing with yours.

      Also Moderators will need to control things not just on the Server but also the Forum side, yes we may need more Moderators but has Ramroids55 stated...
      There is a lot of people who don't fit the description needed to become a Moderator, If we had people meeting the criteria then maybe more Moderators will be active on both Server side and Forum side.

      But for now people you will need to accept that what you want your not going to get straight away and beside's there is a alternative way to report hacker's, spammer's and that is on the Forum.

      All I'm saying is be just a little patience with the Moderators they are trying their hardest so they can to help support you and the Mineverse Community.

    10. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Moderators are "on"..? Interesting.

      Most of the Mods share a similar time zone of mine, and I have yet to see one Mod in game before, besides seeing @Pile_of_Butts once 3 weeks ago. The Staff have their hands full because the staff team is miniature, and heavily inactive in-game. As a result the staff, alongside the players, become overwhelmed with the huge amount of spammers, adverts, hackers, etc. If this staff team was so busy as you and a few others proclaim, than why is it that this issue of the staff team being basically ineffective has been brought up countless amounts of times? Why is it that even the staff themselves agree that Mineverse is being undermanaged? Every time I have logged into Mineverse, all I have encountered are waves of rule-breakers in mostly every corner of the server. So not only do we have a Staff team that is extremely small, but we also have a team that is widely inactive on the server itself.
      Simply adding staff won't fix this prominent issue, by the way. The logic of simply adding more Mods and calling it a day won't fix this problem at all. More needs to be implemented to actually ensure this server is being properly managed. Every successful Minecraft community I have visited has a "trainee" rank of sorts, of which they train those who wish to become full staff members. Essentially, they must prove themselves to be effective staff members. Not only this, but many other servers also set up routine schedules of accepting Staff Apps so that there is a steady flow of staff members coming in. @CypriotMerks does things the opposite way, as he hand picks people he trusts the most after the MV Mods pick the 'best' Apps. While this understandable, this method of accepting one or two apps per month is largely ineffective as well. Not only that, but typically the accepted Mods end up inactive as well.
      So now we have addressed that Mineverse not only have an inefficient Staff Team, but also lacks key things such as staff training, and the steady acceptance of staff apps. The way things are run now on this server is almost cringeworthy. This problem has gone on long enough, yet nothing have been done to truly resolve this issue. Do you know how many threads have been posted because of this issue? How many outraged players have begged for a well-rounded staff team? How many staff have even agreed that this in fact a problem? Yet nothing has been done to resolve this. This community has had plenty of patience..Waiting for this problem to actually be fixed, yet to no avail. To rely on the players to manage this server via reports is also a worldly idea. I understand the players are to contribute, and help the staff by reporting issues they may see.. But for the majority of the server's maintenance to be solely revolved around this is honestly silly. The players job is to have fun with their friends, and enjoy what this server has to offer. Not be a victim to this server's wide lack of management.

      Anyways, I thank you for your feedback nonetheless. :)

      - S
    11. iGlitcher

      iGlitcher Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      No Support, are staff are hardworking though they may appear offline, if we need any mods the max would be about 3, and I don't think we need any ATM
    12. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      If you read my thread to its full extent, the large extent of feedback from both staff and players, and have acknowledged that Mineverse is flooded with rule-breakers on a daily basis.. Then it would be obvious that there is a problem at hand. Both staff and players agree that the Staff Team is lacking severely, and is heavily understaffed. I do not find your argument valid whatsoever, however respect the feedback you've given.
    13. Weasel

      Weasel Active Member

      Mar 19, 2015
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      Support, Too many hackers on Kit PvP, I see Jesus, kill aura, No-knockback and all of that stuff
    14. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I thank you for your feedback, friend. :) Hopefully the owners are working on finally resolving this issue fully.
    15. KayVeeRiot

      KayVeeRiot Active Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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      Support. Ive barely been here a few weeks and all i see on creative is "TPA for $ex Club!" and "Message me if youre a h0rny girl!" Its disgusting and you never know what kind of people are behind a screen. Its a serious issue considering i have young female siblings who are, for lack of a better phrase, socially stupid. We need more staff keeping tabs on more than just pvp places. A lot of disturbing stuff happens in creative and it truly needs to be monitored more closely. Cause if a 30 yr old man happens to get a young girl on skype through YOUR server youll have a lot more trouble on your hands
    16. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I appreciate the feedback, and as always will give you my honest opinion in response. :)

      It's not just Creative that is bombarded by nonsense per day, no. About 3/4 of the server is overrun by rule breakers daily. @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew have recently been taking baby steps in the right direction to resolve this issue, but have yet to fix it fully. Merely adding Mods won't fix this issue permanently, no. Much more needs to be implemented if this server wishes to see a well rounded management team.
    17. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Theres a lot of this type of talk on Prison as well. I know that most of it is just kids acting crazy and saying things to make themselves look cool. However there could be predators lurking as well. Obviously they tone it down when mods come on, but alas here we are on a thread talking about lack of mods. I know for a fact this type of talk makes most people uncomfortable because they say as much. It only fuels their fire and makes them take it to an even higher level of filth. So I completely agree with this.
    18. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Agreed. This kind of stuff has gone on for far too long, wouldn't you say so yourself?
    19. UltraFireFX

      UltraFireFX Active Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      Support in most regards. Mineverse doesn't need more staff, it needs more high quality staff.
    20. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      To me I feel that the current Mods do an amazing job but they can't do it in such a small group, so it needs to be bigger. People think that we need more mods because the mods now are barely on and don't do a good job, but they are, they are trying so hard to make this server great, and they try to be active as they can but sometimes they can't because they have other things in life. So, we just need some more people to help the Staff out so the server can be a bit more stable than it is now.

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