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  • AFR ✧☯crazyrobotgirl//Wolf64's moderator application☯✧ [Updated 2/02/2016]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Wolf64, Oct 11, 2015.


    After reading this application, would you give crazy some support?

    1. Support

    2. Neutral

    3. No suppport

    1. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      Hi guys! I'm crazyrobotgirl, and I have a lot of nicknames. I really want to become a moderator, as it would show be ability to shine, and get rid of all those fun-crushers. I have leadership skills, and will use them if needed. My real name is Emily, and I live in Australia. I have introduced about 4 of my friends to Minecraft, thoroughly leading this to this server, and encouraging them to play it. I’m very loyal to Mineverse, and almost NEVER play on other servers, only the one I am currently mod in. I am happy to help other Mineverse players in the blocky world, and even people in the real world. So please read my application word from word, and if you have any questions then I beg of you to ask me. Also, last words before my content, please don't judge me through this application; I tried my best, even if it's not as professional as you’d like.
      |How old are you?|
      I’m 11 years old, but people think I'm 12 or 13 in real life, because of both maturity levels and how I look.​

      |Your in-game name:|
      Main: crazyrobotgirl / Alt: crazyrobotALT

      |What timezone are you in?|
      Usually +10, but +11 in daylight savings.​

      |What country do you live in?|
      I live in Australia.

      |What languages do you speak?|
      Fluent English, a tiny bit of Italian and quite a bit of Chinese. I kind of stopped Chinese about 6 months ago though… But that doesn’t matter as I don’t know enough to have a conversation or anything like that.

      |Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)|
      Yes, I have BandiCam, but it is very bad quality, and it takes over an hour to upload once I have actually got the video. I can take screenshots, but if what I'm reporting is griefing... Well, it doesn't really help. I am currently trying to get a better recording software, so until then, bad quality is the best I have.

      |How long can you be active on the server every day?|
      Every day (Mostly) of the holidays (I don’t go on vacation much), public holidays, and Almost every week day. A bit more though sometimes. For about 1-6 hours on these days. Really it’s kind of uncertain, as it changes depending on what my Mum says. About weekdays – I can usually get on at about 5:00PM - 6:00PM my time. On those days, I get off at about 6:30PM – 11:00PM, and sometime I get off even later.

      |How long have you been playing Mineverse?|
      More or less 3 years. I don't know exactly how long, but I just know it’s a very long time. Definitely over a year.

      |Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)|
      About 2 years ago, I was banned on OP factions. The first thing I have to say is that back then I a) hadn't read the rules and b) was immature. If you just go onto my profile and look at my first post - which was posted a few weeks after I posted my ban appeal - you can just see how immature I was back then.
      I have also been temporarily banned from forums for I think a day, but for the same reasons above. I hadn't read the rules and I had basically no common sense.
      Neither of these things will EVER happen again, I swear. If it does then I have failed... But it won't. I know the rules now, and I have grown up from my childish days.

      |Do you have any past experience as a moderator?|
      Yes, I am currently a mod in the Minecraft server "Miner's fusion". There are 3 gamemodes, and usually about 2-20 players online on each gamemode. It is a small server, but it is a start nevertheless.
      I am also a mod in the server "Pug life". There is one gamemode and one world, and the amount of players coming online varies quite a lot.

      Here is an example of my reaction to a swearer:
      Player1: **** you Player 2. Me: Please do not swear Player1.
      After that, if they do it again despite my warning, I temp mute them for a few hours, minutes or days, depending how bad what they said was.

      i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!-WHY DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BECOME A MOD?-i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!
      Where to even start?! I have a MILLION reasons why! Here are the basics though; the most important reasons why I think I should be one.

      ---==PLEASE NOTE==---
      Although I may not have a completely clean record, I've been playing MINECRAFT for over 4 years, and Mineverse for about 2 and a half, like I said, and I know the commands but am fine if you ignore or say no to my application. Sure I'd be upset, but I'd just keep on helping out the Mineverse community. I truly think that I could help Mineverse quite a bit though, and if that did happen I’d probably just keep on trying, and trying, and trying.

      ---==LEADERSHIP SKILLS==---
      I have good leadership skills that I am willing to use if necessary, but only then. I use them sometimes in class when I am the leader of a group or team, which is quite often, as the teachers generally trust me to do a good job. I understand that I may need to use them as a Moderator though, most likely when giving people warnings.

      I have seen many people spam and swear, and had to report them rather than doing something about it myself. Plus usually I can’t even report the people who do wrong in the chat, because I already have SO MANY FILES of that already! I really want this opportunity to shine and show those rule breakers that you can't break rules in Mineverse. What they usually do is just stuff like spamming and cursing, but sometimes my friends and I see a griefer on creative... And what can we do? Nothing! Usually we actually know who the griefer is too but we have no evidence! It’s SO annoying! See “REPORTED SO MANY PEOPLE…” for more info on this topic.

      I am willing to help other people with many, many things, like in SkyBlock I usually give them free money, items, enchantments or repairs, helping them build in creative, reporting spammers or cyberbullies and many other things like that. I know many command block commands if you decide to make a new game and forget them, and I also know how to make mods, skins, and I made a computer, although this won’t be of any real use. In real life though, I always help people with their spelling and maths, but mostly computers, as long as it isn't a test. Whenever people need help, they always go to me, and I will happily give them a hearty pointer, and they usually get the answer right after that.

      ---==ANTI – GRIEFER==---
      I know this is kind of unrelated, but I’ll put it in anyways. I would NEVER EVER grief someone, even if they griefed me, they deserved it or ANY other reason. I know how it feels to be griefed. Once I made a really cool parkour map in creative, which had taken me about a week to make. Someone then came on, I added them, and they went crazy with hacks and things that I’d never seen before in my time in Minecraft. The worst part was their username was hard, and I didn’t know the trick where you can scroll up to see the rest of chat. About a year later though, I found out about “/plotme info”. That helped a tonne, because I could find out who was added to my plot, and I hadn’t added anyone except my real life friends since I was griefed. I then wrote down their username and plotme removed and plotme denied them!

      I am fine if I get no support, and will just keep on trying until I nail this application. I know it may take a long time, even years, but I REALLY don't care. I know I can do this if I put my heart into it, which I truly am, I’ll probably at least do ok. But I really am trying my best. And anyways, I’m pretty sure that I’ll get active member or a rank like that on forums soon, as I’ve had an account on Mineverse forums for almost a year. On the 18th of October, to be precise.

      --==JANUARY 3rd?!==--
      I looked at excepted applications, and the most recent person to become a moderator was promoted on January 3rd, 2016. I think that was quite a while ago, and we NEED more moderators in Mineverse- the server is growing like crazy!

      Although I cannot prove that I am 100% honest, I can talk about it. Always when I have done something wrong, I own up to it, even if I lose my dignity and people's trust and/or faith. When my friends have done something wrong, if it was bad or hurt someone or their feelings... Then sorry, but I have to tell on them, because they did the wrong thing. Also when screenshotting the chat, I would NEVER edit the text to make the message say a different username. I think that’s just plain stupid for anyone to do!

      I really respect others and their feelings, creations, items, blocks and many others. For example, before banning someone who was really bad, I wouldn’t just say “aw well you’re getting banned now. Be smarter next time!” no! I would never do something like that! It's just plain stupid, and what do you gain from that: Nothing.

      ---==JR. SCHOOL COUNCIL==---
      About a month ago, many of the kids in my class and the other grade 3, 4 and 5 classes put in applications for a thing called Jr. School council. They're basically school captains, except there’s only one for each class (except for Grade 6). They must be voted in by their peers, and they don't have as much power as the school captains. The school captains are technically the… Rulers of the Jr. School councillors II guess I could say. I put in an application for this, hoping to get at least 1 vote, because let me tell you, I am NOT the popular kid... My friend and I, both equal in many ways, tied with me in 1st place, as we both had 5 votes. Everyone in the class then had to re-vote for either him or me. I won by 1 vote, which I was pretty happy about, let me tell you. Now, before you go "Well obviously she won on popularity points" Let me tell you; I am NOT popular, as I said before. I'm always the oddball in class drawing pictures because she's bored in class.

      The only thing I can really say on this subject is that I’m REALLY NOT the kind of person who bans their friends to troll them, or for fun. I’m really not. My opinion on the kinds of people who do that is just plain mean. Honestly! Why would you just randomly ban someone for absolutely NO REASON whatsoever?! And even if someone did do it, they’d be bound to get caught! I mean seriously, who wouldn’t notice someone just randomly being banned? They’d want to find out more, and whether the person who did it likes it or not, they’re going to at least be a suspect.

      ---==WELL-KNOWN IN CREATIVE==---
      I’m fairly well-known in creative really. I’ve made a lot of in-game friends, and many people know me as “The person who made those epic god crates” or “that person who helped me with commands” and lots of things like that. Whenever I log onto creative, at least 1 person (Depending on how many people are online) says something like; “Hi… Your Username is familiar… Do I know you from somewhere?” and 90% of the time I have an in-game friend on. Often I’m messaging more than 1 person at once too, which goes to show that people must like to talk to me, and I don’t know about you guys, but personally I love a chatty Moderator.

      I am CONSTANTLY annoyed to madness in creative, as there are SO MANY griefers, and spammers, and swearers, honestly it’s ridiculous! I’ve seen 24 people swear and spam AND screenshotted them all (I’ve actually seen WAY more, but haven’t screenshotted them), and desperately felt the urge to mute them, but I can’t because only mods can do that. I’ve also had to spend over an HOUR uploading a YouTube video of a griefer when the problem could be solved instantly; me temp-banning them! Eventually a mod DID come on, but by that time the griefer had stopped and everyone was depending on ME to upload the video! And my internet’s crap so it took like double the time to upload than a normal computer. If you guys want proof of the video and screenshots, then just ask and I’ll gladly send them to you.

      Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    2. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      --==LACK OF MODS==--
      I know that there are a lot of moderators in Mineverse, but I don't think that the amount is substantial; Mineverse is a growing server, and there are way to many players to moderate right now. If more mods were promoted, then more rule-breakers will disappear. I could help a lot with this problem if you guys would just give me a chance. If I do wrong (which I won't), then I can simply be demoted, no fuss. I am ready to be a moderator though, and I won't let you guys down. Another responsible moderator would do Mineverse some good.

      Me doing /Staff on a normal day:



      I know a few useful moderator commands, such as

      /ban (player) (reason [must include Appeal at mineverse.com - Wolf64//crazyrobotgirl])

      /mute (player) (reason [must include Appeal at mineverse.com - Wolf64//crazyrobotgirl])

      /tempban (player) (time banned)

      /kick (player) (reason)

      /unmute (player)

      /unban (player)

      /tp (player)

      If you need more information, then please just ask. I will gladly edit this application over and over again until it’s 100% perfect.


      What I did for this is I put my original application into Microsoft Word and just constantly edited whenever I had any free time, which took me about 2 months, so I hope that you guys enjoyed my application, as I put HEAPS of effort into it. For example: When I could have been building epic things on creative, I was editing this application. So like I said, please don’t blame me for not being too active lately.

      Well, to be honest about not being active enough, I have REALLY bad internet. If I even TRY to PvP with someone, combat log freezes everything from lag (AKA nothing moving except me), and then about five minutes later I get the game over screen! It's REALLY annoying! And let me tell you right now- I love PvP, and if I could play it then I would play it a lot! The only gamemodes that I can actually play with only half of the lag are; Survvial (No PvP; Have to stay in /god mode), Creative, Op Prison, Prison, Skyblock (Usually, but I can't go onto OP islands), Skygrid and... Well, that's it! And the problem is, I find prison and skygrid boring, so that only leaves me with 4 playable gamemodes! I can also play Infection, but that lags like heck, and in between each round I get Timed out and have to restart Minecraft, therefore giving me an unfair disadvantage. And also in infection, 50% of the time when someone hits me I freeze again! And it's the same with me hitting someone else too! I know for a fact that it's not my computer, as I usually use my Mum's Alienware, which incase you didn't know is a really high-tech gaming computer. Also about internet- we're going to try swapping internet providers soon, and that's mostly so I can have a better shot at going for mod... I've told my Mum about it, and she understands that this is an important part of my life right now. For example; instead of opening Skype to talk to my real life friends before opening forums, I now do it the other way around. So... I'm REALLY sorry for not being active in-game, guys :( I'm trying my very best.
      Another reason why I'm not that active is because I have to take care of the other server in which I am a moderator. If I WERE to become a mod in Mineverse, I would be way more active than I am now.

      Thanks for reading! If you read up to this point, then it means that someone read all my hard work-I've been writing this for over month now.


      Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    3. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Jeez this mod app is so perfect. And considering your 11 just wow. Support!
    4. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      -Lovely application
      -Tons of info
      -Active on forums
      -Nice ingame and on forums
      Good luck.
    5. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You don't help people on infection a lot!
      But your application is good .
    6. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Outstanding application.
      You are active on forums and on creative as everytime I log on you are there. xD
      You have my support for a creative application but you need to be more active on other gamemodes as we only have global applications.
    7. MrDrag

      MrDrag Experienced Member

      May 31, 2015
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    8. Dark

      Dark Experienced Member

      Feb 8, 2015
      Likes Received:
      yes please
    9. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks a tonne for the support guys :) it means a lot to me.
    10. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      If your applying no matter what gamemode you should reply
    11. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok... Sorry. Sometime I just get too enthralled in the game to notice that chat- And I look at the chat a lot usually xD
    12. Loominati

      Loominati Experienced Member

      Nov 20, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support. Tagging ppl you know will lower your chances.
    13. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok... Thanks for the advice at least xD
    14. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      :eek: Wow Wolf! I think you already know that I SUPPORT, and it's just because I think that you would make a great addition to the Staff. You are so kind and loving and spread it around the forums, and I don't think you have fought with anyone. I think you would be an amazing Moderater, and I wish you the very best of luck!
    15. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thank you :) That's really nice and means a lot to me :) I think the same about you too- you deserve moderator! But thank you Reborn :)
    16. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I know we are friends so please don't take what i'm about to say harshly, im just trying to help :)

      - Tagging people isn't going to help your chances
      - We can now only apply for global moderator
      - Try and be a bit for active

      Please try and work on this, other than that support! :)
    17. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Oh ok... And don't worry, It's fine... Really you're helping me- telling me what to change!
      But yeah, I'll try to change some of those things. Thanks!
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
    18. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok :) and I still supported so dw. <3
    19. Wolf64

      Wolf64 Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      xD ok, thanks.
    20. Travis_B

      Travis_B Active Member

      Oct 5, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support due to tagging people. Sorry.

      I may change my rating as time goes on.

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