Neutral for now ;) You do have potential to be staff worthy, yes, but as everyone else has stated; you need to be more active both on here and the server too. With this I believe people's opinions may change Good luck however :D
Basically I think you fit the role ingame but on the forums you are not mod worthy, that's what I'm saying
My sister plays infection a ton and just went on and saw you! But other then that I rarely see you mostly because I dont play those servers so I'll say neutral.
My ign is Unsteady, I just changed it, and my sister is iDash. I play mostly on all the servers except for the prison servers and gta.
Haha well I go on from time to time and play a few games with friends. Good luck with your mod application <3
Thanks, I hope that part about not seeing me a lot doesn't effect your opinion on my Staff potentials <3